Every time an EXE file is run a window with the 0xc0000005 error appears. I'm able to install some programs after installing Windows 11 but after restarting the PC and running some of them, I have this error. Also, I have this problem even after formatting the drive and doing clean installs, which is weird. Malwarebytes detects a Virus.Floxif and states it moved it to the quarantine but after restarting the PC, the virus is back. I don't know how can it survive formats and clean installs.
It's damaged Windows installation. Error 0xc0000005 means an access violation The error occurs when a program in Windows attempts to access a location or data from a location that is not assigned to it. This can occur with any Windows application due to registry issue, faulty RAM, corrupt drivers, virus infection, or incorrect security update, etc.
I think it's caused by this annoying virus. I can't remove it. Even after a formatting the HDD and clean installing Windows 11 and before installing any program, it comes back, somehow.
There is no virus that cannot be removed. Especially if you say you're going to completely wipe the hard drive and reformat it. Then the only option is that you put it back yourself on your computer after cleaning it. Only You know where it is and what it is. We don't know what's on your computer, we can't see it any way.
But like I said, I formatted the HDD and clean installed Windows 11 and I still have it so is it possible for a virus to survive formats and clean installs?
What hard drive is it HDD, SSD, NVMe,...etc Is it really completely empty? If it's the HDD, it could be a problem with the hard drive too, have you checked that? And what do you mean you formatted? Was it a quick/short format or a full format with its full wipe and sector check and repairing (if you have a HDD of course).
OEM partition ? ............. Did you wipe the whole HDD and then format it ? ...... OR just wiped and formated a partition ?
HDD. I only used the format setting in the Windows 11 installer. I formatted all partitions, deleted all of them and then reinstalled Windows.
OK. Then all that remains is to recommend doing a full wipe disk, full disk health check and repair, then a full length format (not Quick format) and only then make the partitions you need and then a clean installation using the original source. There must be something wrong with your system if you are sure that the installation media you used was perfectly fine. But as for the existence of a virus, I don't believe it! You don't have that and your computer doesn't have it either. Check everything that has been suggested to you and then do a clean install from the original source and everything should work.
it must be a infected boot sector . even the user will format the disk from same hardware even then the malicious part will move itself to ram then when it saw hdd or ssd again comes working then itself changes its path from ram to disk sectors. pl do a bit more research on this . might be most usefull in your case scenario. Hint Pl unlpug the cable directly from pc mains whenever you saw the malicious part started its activities on your disk. then remove that disk as you have already taken out mains. run linux especially REMNUX malware analysis toolkit debian based OS via usb then cross check what you can do or how it can be done. Edit : i am again saying even zero grade milittary format wont do anything cuz that time the malicious code is inside the RAM sectors. pl think about exact what rootkit does | itself changes its path from disk sectors to ram sectors then vice versa . if it attacked firmware of mobo then theres no any chance left just changing the EEPROM chip but will be a very very long forensic process.
Unless a malware like a rootkit attacked the motherboard firmware, it is an extremely rare attack though. If so, no one can remove it even wiping and formatting the drive. Drive needs to be wiped with low level format. A quick format operation.
IDK ? ........ I had a problem with a hidden partition and windows and Active@boot disk woudnt get rid of it ,. That tool did . It must dig deeper / start at a position on the HDD before other format possibilitys stat . X ?
In a nutshell: Low level format fills with 0s or 1s or recreates sectors and tracks on a hard disk. > HDD Guru's Low Level Format Tool High level format just creates a file-system like FAT32, NTFS > Windows Installer and other partitioning tools (diskpart or third party) Run a quick format using the LLF tool cause you just want to delete the boot sector. If issues persist, then you have deffective os sources and or RAM modules.
How can I use that tool? Is there a setting to burn it to USB? This virus also infects USB devices since my EXE files from there also have this problem.
Get / make a bootable USB stick , put the program on it , boot from the usb stick and use the program to format the HDD .