Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ancestor(v), Apr 21, 2010.

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  1. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    #1 ancestor(v), Apr 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2025
    Forum Rules

    Preface: The forum rules are set by the MDL Team. They can be changed, updated or altered if necessary and without further notice - you find an update information below this post: "Last edited by...." The forum rules are a guideline of how to act in here - most of it is common sense, we think. If necessary, we can deviate from those rules. Decisions are met internally, vindication to the member(s) isn't necessary. Some decisions are met from case to case, depending on whether it is more sufficient to go after the forum rules or find an individual solution. Consequences of not obeying the rules can be set e.g. by the team, a team member or the Moderator or Admin being involved, and can include or consist of e.g. Warning PM, Infraction, Temporary Ban or Permanent Ban. This is no particular order, just a selection of measures that can be taken if necessary.

    1 - Communication

    2 - Username and Signature

    3 – Links and Content

    The red bit extension will apply on 31/10/2016!!! Since then the rule applies without it! Uploaders are asked to consider a change of the host if needed.

    4 – Invitations, Give-Aways and Business Transactions

    5 – BIOS Mods, Applications and Projects

    6 – Likes System

    7 – Communication with MDL or an MDL Team member

    8Self made applications and programs

    Please keep in mind that those forum rules are our house rules. They're valid for members in any case and are not to be discussed. Team members can be excluded from the rules.
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