Couple of files are listed now in the Jukebox "X" files version and should be running all later today since upload takes some time
If you get time for a look-see bud, there's also a debug/symbols version of the non-enterprise en-us Tech Preview... I didn't see it listed in your OP listing.
I will help seed the 2 English x 64 Enterprise Editions that I have download to help you out. As long as my computer is turned on, I will seed.
This isn't so much directed at the "regulars" here, but to the "guests," if you torrent something from Paul, please seed it as much as you can. You'll be helping Paul, as well as other users.
d/l x86 and x64 English Enterprise .isos - will seed when done - I'm thrilled as hell to help Paul share his .isos... ETA - Paul, I can add a couple more if it helps, please advise which to d/l and I'll do so after these two are done. ALSO, thanks a lot for your help in getting .isos to people who might not have them. You are our Resident .iso (i was gonna put "sperm" here) Donor.
thanks bud but all files are in the box now just verifying and they can go. What you all can do is to seed files off my magnets so that they get distributed widely. If there is something I missed to include as of now, please let me know and I will upload as fast as possible Skoll Paul