What's new in the Windows ADK The Windows ADK in Windows 10 Technical Preview includes improvements to imaging, deployment, and restore features. Here's a list of features that are new to the Windows ADK in Windows 10 Technical Preview: Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD) Quickly create a provisioning package that you can use to customize devices without re-imaging. You can also build a customized Windows image for specific market segments and regions. Push-button reset: takes less room, incorporates system updates by default Users can now refresh or restore their devices to the updated version of the system files, instead of having to reinstall each update individually. The push-button reset tools no longer require a separate full-system backup, saving drive room. Partial language packs now available Want to add more languages for users when they turn on their device? Instead of adding full language packs, save space by adding just the base user interface files for a language. Later, if your user needs handwriting or voice recognition capabilities, Windows can download them as needed. New package type: Capabilities This new Windows package type lets you request services like Microsoft .NET or languages without specifying the version. Use the DISM tool to search multiple sources like Windows Update or your corporate servers to find and install the latest version Save space by running Windows from compressed OS files You can now run Windows directly from compressed files. This is similar to WIMBoot, introduced in Windows 8.1 Update 1. This new process uses individual files instead of a static WIM file. When updating system files, Windows now replaces the old files instead of keeping both copies.
The downloads have been relocated to:- https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...tion-and-deployment.83749/page-5#post-1750947
The whole ADK is of 9933, not just PE Very weird. They included ARM64 tools. Whereas arm (32) was never included in the main ADK package. Windows RT tools were distributed as ADK Add-ons and weren't intended to be public, but were leaked.
So is the output build truly 9933 or is it just a build number and the contents of it are just whatever the wim file we fed into the ADK?
Windows PE, Windows Setup and tools are from 9933 though. If you build images using the provided tools, you get 9933 setup and recovery.
i see that error when i install WADK 10 in win 7 sp1 its cauze its preview or cauze open in win 10 ... and one new when i put Dism /Image:C:\WIN10\mount /Get-TargetEditions in PRO i see that in upgrade Upgrade from PRO to PROWMC and Enterprise
I got that several times on Win 8.1 ICD is not very stable, and the gui is hideous and eye-harmful -- the provisioning packages is basically like office customising patch MSP, which is very helpful and most or all settings are like the ones available in answer file unattend.xml (even the deprecated win7 settings are offered) the resulted .ppkg file is an xpress-compressed wim file when adding drivers make sure the selected folder contains only drivers sub-directories, because it will include all the folder contents
that mean in the feature show only upgrade to WMC ..or is possible have Upgrade in both? and show me also that when make upgrade and have successfull
in retails when we i use dism i can see also in upgrade's the Enterprise for upgrade or its only in Preview Editions ( when i put Dism /Image:C:\WIN10\mount /Set-EditionrofessionalWMC start delete that 4 package's ENTERPRISE in Photo ) ..thats all ty and sorry my english is sh1t
As i pointed in ESD thread, Enterprise is upgradable only from Original Professional edition upgrading to ProfessionalWMC will remove Enterprise any Core variant editions don't have Enterprise