I'll give it a spin but, frankly, I'm not expecting to stop using Server. Pretty invariable with Microsoft, on the top of the line versions, Advanced Server/Enterprise/Datacenter, the memory model is much better at handling swarms of tasks and that's what happens on my (victim) machines. As a matter of fact, I'm glancing over at the next server/workstation. Dual Xeon, yada, yada.
I don't know it might be worth checking out. Suppose to be great for the new high end pc's. Ryzen CPU's. Also has the REFS system with it. Ya.
workstation only differs in: Code: <sl:policyInt name="Kernel-RegisteredProcessors" attributes="override-only"> 4 </sl:policyInt> <sl:policyInt name="Kernel-WindowsMaxMemAllowedx64" attributes="override-only"> 6291456 </sl:policyInt> <sl:policyInt name="Kernel-WindowsMaxMemAllowedArm64" attributes="override-only"> 6291456 </sl:policyInt> <sl:policyInt name="SMBClient-AllowRdmaUsage" attributes="override-only"> 1 </sl:policyInt> <sl:policyInt name="FileSystems-ReFs-Enabled" attributes="override-only"> 1 </sl:policyInt> <sl:policyInt name="PersistentMemory-MaxTotalSize" attributes="override-only"> 2147483647 </sl:policyInt> exactly what the microsoft banner/paper says.
was already running is and it's a pretty good os sadly the insider preview wont let me install to refs