If they really kill MSI packages for this, may I presume that this is the slow and continued death of MSI? And if so, "what's next"? (From what I've heard, the MSI packages for Office 2016 have been far from ideal anyway, but stil... )
I believe the setup files have not compiled yet. That being said Office 2019 is still on piece of code.
They can keep it. The office suite is getting worse with each release. I've moved to libre office for about a year now.
I am using Office 2016 installed through ISO. Tried to upgrade Office 2019. C2R does not allow me to upgrade. How to perform the upgrade for standalone MSI installer of Office 2016?
@sherrynM installed Office Pro Plus 2019 Preview Retail in three 1803 VMs (W10 Pro, Enterprise EVAL, Enterprise); after Reboot activated. your .XML file is o.k. can you reach (ping) internet and the Microsoft Server IP try with firewall off? Office Status / cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus "Last 5 characters of installed product key=-BWTH9" that is correct, the integrated key is the generic gVLK from the retail Edition: ProPlus2019Retail W8W6K-3N7KK-PXB9H-8TD8W -BWTH9 Professional2019Retail DFJBC-DN3C6-RH4XT-26YYY -K78BY ProPlus2019Volume VQ9DP-NVHPH-T9HJC-J9PDT -KTQRG -- installed Version="16.0.10217.20000", today after automatic updates Version="16.0.10224.20004" is installed