Long in short, CU: for updating System components (packages) STU: for dism to work with packages, which version is located in C:\Windows\servicing\Version e.g. 16299.15: C:\Windows\servicing\Version\10.0.16299.251 17134.1: C:\Windows\servicing\Version\10.0.17134.1
I still don't understand, look at this post. How is it defined? https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-297#post-1439551
Looking for CABs: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-ServerHyperCore-Package and Microsoft-Windows-Branding-ServerHyperCore-Package for RS3 and RS4 to be able to convert ServerACoreStandard to ServerHyper-Core. Anyone done the trick already, please?
There's no such package for 16299/17134, not even 14393 (certificates package been updated, and image been resetbase.).
Sorry? I ocasionally read site, it’s usually open in browser, but I don’t pay much attention to this tab. What was the offer? I was thinking, you won’t help me, cause I once argued that you deleted some useful posts :-( Am an IT guy, but don’t have much time for digging in Windows, since I left Microsoft.
Agh. I haven’t seen anything mega.nz about certificates and SKU change, I guess. Mega.nz links from the first message work, but I don’t need it, since have msdn and connect/signiant access to builds.