Tried with MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX UpdatePack AiO ISO Creation v2, simply integrate KB2864202 to winre.wim without dealing with install.wim is enough. Because this content is already included in the cumulative update in UpdatePack7R2. I tried to add parameters /NoUSB to the UpdatePack7R2 in the SiMPLiX script and replace all the original USB 3 drivers provided by SiMPLiX with this driver (and integrated into install.wim), and it worked perfect. Thanks for your work.
The result of my test is that the install.wim in the original version of Windows 7 ISO still needs to integrate KB2864202, but if you handle it with SiMPLiX or UpdatePack7R2 at the same time, install.wim doesn't need to integrate this patch. I searched for it and found that in UpdatePack7R2, the cumulative update KB3125574-v4 already contained relevant content.
Interesting. Does that mean I can just integrate this with Integrate7 into my Win7 Enterprise ISO and install it on my X570/X670 board?