awwww snap! I was so close to call it MediaCreationTool11.exe - but microsoft went with MediaCreationToolW11.exe and rofl it's limited just like windows 11 - the ability to upgrade or create upgrade media is gone, you need to use the *@#& Windows11InstallationAssistant (Windows10UpgraderApp) for that
Is it possible that a new "esd-decrypter-wimlib" is required? With "esd-decrypter-wimlib-61.7z" I have the ESD: 22000.194.210913-1444.co_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_de-de.esd into a 22000.194.210911-1543.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_DE-DE.ISO created. The date, time and description are not correct. Should have looked like this: 22000.194.210913-1444.CO_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_DE-DE.ISO
It's just a cosmetic file name FYI, you can change this option to 1 in decrypt.cmd Code: :: Change to 1 to get ISO name similar to ESD name (ESD name must be the original, with or without sha1 hash suffix) set ISOnameESD=0
where can i find: de-de_windows_11_business_editions_x64_dvd_3ecfd578.iso german version. thanks in advance
Use the ESDs from the second post of this thread or use the SVF(SFX) Repo: Next time post in the dedicated sticky 22000.xxxx thread.