I recently did a performance check on my computer and I saw that I have a few problems, but I am not sure how to fix them. So I would appriciate any kind of information regarding my little problem. Cause:One or more services has failed. The service did not stop gracefully, suggesting the service may have crashed or one of its components stopped in an unsupported way. Details:Service exited with code not equal to 0 or 1077 Cause:A logical disk has the dirty bit set. Details:This disk has been marked as dirty, it may be experiencing errors or might have not been shut down correctly
Assuming that you are running windows and C is your main drive do the following: Open command prompt as administrator Type: CHKNTFS /X C: (hit enter) Reboot Open command prompt again as administrator Type: CHKDSK /F /R C: (hit enter) The computer will now scan your drive, let it run fully and do not allow the power supply to be interrupted. Once the scan is complete, type the following in command prompt; FSUTIL DIRTY QUERY C: (hit enter) If all has gone well then your drive should now be flagged as clean and you will not see the error message.
Try what alextheg suggested first. If the problems reoccurs, back your data up and zero the hard drive(s) including boot sectors then install a clean copy of Windows. You should be able to use the hard drive manufactures tool to zero the drive(s). Might be time for a little maintenance, defragging is a big help as well.
Hi i also having the same problem ... Symptom: A service is reported as having an unexpected error code Cause: One or more services has failed. The service did not stop gracefully, suggesting the service may have crashed or one of its components stopped in an unsupported way. Details: Service exited with code not equal to 0 or 1077 Resolution: Restart the service Related: Performance Diagnosis After i press copy button , i cant paste it anywer, such as in any folders , microsoft excel, work, even in any browsers also.... Ive formatted my windows 7 more than 2 times, atill im having the same type of problem, plz help ,me..