Hi, I'm new in this forum but I urgently need your hep for my issue. Here is my problem, I have an acer aspire 5750g that worked fine untel it freeyes in a game with no solution but forcing the shut down and after that it's a black screan of the death without anz access to bios or anz thing else. I did some research and the issue is probablz due to Nvidea optimus technologie that maz have corrupted the bios ''all is speculation''. So I tried to reset bios by putting some file ''downloaded from acer website'' in a fat formatted flash disk and renaming that file to ''P5WE0x64.fd'' and finally starting the laptop by holding FN and ESC bottons but it doesn't work it seems that the computer do not even trz to read the flash disk. Do you have any other method to reset the bios knowing that I can't access the bios battery cause of the warranty. Please Help
Thank you for replying but I alreadz have tried reseating memorz cards and the hard drive. I tried the manipulation of bios reset without the HDD and DVD too and it doesn't work either
If the reason you don't want to open it up is because it's under warranty, why don't you just have it fixed by whoever is providing the warranty?
It's because it will take at least 10 days and I don't want to loose my datas. I will need it for this week so if there's a faster way to repaire it without loosing my work I want to try it.
If you take out the hard drive before you send it in, they cannot delete your data. It sounds more like a hardware issue than a BIOS issue.
The 7730 I have at work would not flash off of a USB no matter what it did, but it would from a CD. I could hear it trying to hit the drives when I did the FN ESC power on though.