Thanks, DarkStar, I downloaded the file, took (only) the encoded serial from the reg file, then converted it back to a "plain text" serial using the tool created a few years ago, and the serial works! (NOTE: I did have to remove the very first space from the encoded serial, though!) I only use Acronis in PE, I can confirm the beta serial doesn't work (has done for years, too bad they blocked that route). But this new one does, thanks again DarkStar....
PS: The encoded serial in the x64 reg file is OK (it only has one leading space), only the one in the x86 reg file has an extra space in front, that has to be removed, only one leading space should remain).
Hi, just tried activation on the new 2019 version. Shows, that the maximum activations are exceeded, 30 days remaining. Any ideas?
run activator again run activator again in safemode if still not activated did activator display errors while running?
post #1 updated with fixed activator many thanks to Ash P! if you experience activation problems in run updated activator