For now i allways use acronis 2016 or 2018 to backup disk or servers. All new versions are crap (not tested the 2021)
How can you say it's crap if you never tested it .Strange reply as v2021 is working very well. Of course most users prefer other tools as Macrium. The only diff is Acronis True Image give the feeling of not responding in some processes but it's doing the job.
2021 works very well for me also. install patch run, and test several Restores of some old prior version Backups...
Yes, new version is getting too big, slow and many bugs. Lost a few older backup as seem new version does not read them well and fails to restore.
tharts not the problems , the serials ist the problem. sky teddy have the new one i have speak with Ru Board no answer ich habe einen weg gefunden, damit funktioniert es, es sind 2 unabhängige Rek Keys abr damit funktioniert nicht das Abo raus zu patchen it doesn't matter for a boot cd this is the serial with more option still 2021
#farvartish the problem has apparently been around for a long time. please refer: ** goldy100 *** P.S. have the same, therefore back to 2020, has something to do with the activation !!!!! e.g. Acronis WD-Version (western digital freeware) 2020/21-NEWEST version- 24.01.34190 Works flawlessly !!
No nothing to do with the activation - simply not technically possible. And your WD version is by being 24.xx the 2020 one so of course no problems (25.xx is the 2021 one)...
#mdm Thanks for this hint, I will have to buy a new PC then, if I want to use it in 2021. Can't imagine of all things where this technical change is inside. Must stay at 2020, that's enough. Many thanks
Agreed Macrium do a good job especially cases like migrating hard disk to SSD by copying the partition over to new SSD.
See some of the discussion in Acronis community. It has been reported that some version do have compatibility issue.
Please stop the off-topic post! This thread is for Acronis Activation only! Thank you. If you have problems with Acronis or you want to discuss about alternatives feel free to start new thread in public application forum: click me
Sorry but since 2016 (and before) i use it in production environement. I uniquely use the iso (burn on usb) and i test (since 2016) all version that was released. So i've lost important info with 2019 / 2020 version. i'm going to test 2021 edition to see if it was ok. Another thing : make a test to backup different linux version and OLD linux version. This my last post here (nothing to say about activation, i never use it)