Having some issues here, I have acquired an x86 Vista DVD iso image that corresponds with the following checksum. SHA1: bcd715a02739809e477c726ae4b5caa914156429 In it's raw form (unchanged) burned to a blank DVD is bootable without problems, as would be expected. As soon as i add any files (cert + PID.txt in their respective locations) to the image using MagicISO, and save as iso image, the image is no longer bootable when burned to disc. Is there anything that i am overlooking? Sorry for my lack of skills in this field, i am used to nLite for modifying images in the past, but now that i'm giving a shot at Vista i fear that i may have got in over my head. Any Help would make me more confident in getting this to work as i am now running out of hard drive space on my main XP 64 machine and trying to make due with whatever machines i have lying around from prevoius software testing until my paycheck clears the banke and i can buy some more barebones systems for the new years projects
That's really odd that it's becoming unbootable, I would definitely try PowerISO, that hopefully will do the trick, poweriso you can add files without extracting either.
You were right, thanks for your help, I used Poweriso 3.7 to modify the image, i then deleted the boot information from the modified image and reloaded it from the original iso, saved it then burned the DVD using nero It seems that Magic iso works better for mounting virtual discs but not very good at creating bootable images. again thank you very much for your help. I am also going to try to use vlite for integrating drivers and future service packs, but at the moment i'm trying to find a driver for the SiI3112 for my A7N8X-E Deluxe. OddBall_Racing