I have been told by Dell that there is a Microsoft Windows 10 Ultimate x64 AlienWare Edition; but it is only available with the purchase of a new Alienware computer. Has anyone seen a stand alone copy on the net ?
Today is the first day that these products are for sale in USA. You must wait a few days and looking for youtube "alienware (13, 14 or 17) unboxing" to check if Dell sell the DVD of Windows 10. Perhaps, you can find it in a torrent tracker but the key OS is attached to the BIOS.
I highly doubt there will be a special Edition for alienware Laptops. Most of the old alienware Laptops doesnt even Feature a pro Version of Windows... so i think the only Ultimate thing about This Version will be the Ultimate bloatware. Forget about This and also Forget about those crap Laptops from alienware. Rather Buy something good for your money
you see, the thing is, when a person buys the new Alienware 18 with 980m SLI & Intel 4940MX, what happens is the pecking order changes & that person gets to rightfully call everyone else's laptop crap, almost without exception. Including your craptop there in your possession, bud. Aw18 has been designed with at least one goal in mind: to shut people like you up. This isn't yesterday, it's today, & today the 18 is rocking this world with very few peers whether you like it or not, so shut it.
the only thing it's rocking is your wallet. why even buy something like this is out of my mind. apple products atleast got good quality but you buy crap for so much money. everyone who will see you with an alienware laptop will just laugh at you. i wonder how long will the 980m last? 6 months? will it even do 2 years? so you can buy a new laptop after guarantee is gone? hell no and i also got no crap laptop. i got a desktop gaming pc (self build) which is not the newest but still better then anything alienware related. why not buy an xbox or ps4 if your are not into building pcs? why get a overprized s**t alienware laptop... i can't get it
Possibly, he is a gamer or graphic design user. I am in support of your statement that Alienware specs are not what people think they are. My cousin has the X17 and brag about it all the time and I don't see anything special. Beside the specs it is cumbersome for a laptop in that category.
........ Alienware FS 16562, 3DMark11 P20015 Code: h t t p ://w w w.3dmark.com/fs/5067528 h t t p://w w w.3dmark.com/3dm11/9925494 Clevo FS 18284, 3DMark11 P23372 Code: h t t p://w w w.3dmark.com/fs/5075905 h t t p://w w w.3dmark.com/3dm11/9405275
you aren't one to be confused in public as someone who's very smart, I take it? Your choice of bench-scores is a bit odd as I'm about to point out. Yet another someone confusing yesterday for today --> you picked the score from a 3year old 18R2? {3dmark/9925494} It's long since been discontinued for the so-called 18R3, put out to pasture in 2012 - breh - it's got an old ivybridge in it. The new Haswell 18(R3) isn't even shipping out, there are no benchmarks yet, but there soon will be, ya think? However it's nice to see that an old 18R2 with an old Ivy can throw a score that defeats 98% of the population. What I find funny about your choice in scores here is that the other one you linked to? {3dmark/9405275} owned by Mr Fox? Dude owns 5 notebooks, 4 are aliens {AlienwareM18xR2: 3920XM-780M SLI||Alienware18: 4930MX-780M||AlienwareM18xR1: 2920XM- 80M||Alienware M17xR2), highly respected for being an expert on alien notebooks, so yes, the same guy who owns that Eurocom Panther & owns the top score you & he are so fond of also owns 4 aliens to go along with it & I highly doubt you'd get him to admit any of them are crap, huh? What. He owns 4 because he decided to own crap? Or is it truer to say he likes to collect fine hardware that he finds admirable. So what-ev-uh. You be sure to come back in a month after the new Haswell 18 finds its way into the public's hands & finds its way onto the 3dMark wall of fame, yes? Until then, thanx for posting what a 3year old alien can do. To the rest of you? Stay on topic & quit thread-crapping. This a W10 forum & a W10 thread. That one fool above me doesn't even own a laptop, so who cares what u think.
Nah, you got it all wrong...the AW18(R1) is the same 2013 model, just a BIOS update to include Maxwell "support", nothing new. The M18xR2 is a far superior laptop, overclocked 980Ms & XM drawing ~550W, simply impossible to achieve AW18R1 crippled by its TDP limit and single brick limitation...secure flash, missing ports... OP Windows 10 + GeForce Drivers are Killing Samsung and LG Notebook LCD Display Panels (corrupted EDID EEPROM). Code: h t t p s://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/862417/geforce-drivers/windows-10-geforce-drivers-are-killing-samsung-and-lg-notebook-lcd-display-panels/
so are you prepared to post in GeForce @Fox & tell him to his face that his laptop collection is crap? post us the link when you do. I'll post the link to whatever response u get ...