] Question. I'm pretty sure this makes me schizophrenic but am I the only one who thinks we may in fact be biological computers and our God was actually a "creator"? We can make our own power from a variety of sources (foods)and live autonomously. We can run and learn multiple programs (trades) and in dire times will always default to our base programming, (think Alzheimer/infancy). We can also work with other computers combining our programming strengths to perform more complex tasks. Much like DLL files on a PC our cells can be shared to avoid duplication of cells for individual tasks. We are passively cooled like any modern computer would be through our skin and can increase cooling with sweat when needed. We have long term memory (HD) and short term memory (RAM). We require sleep, this is the time to rest the CPU (brain) and clear our cache (CCLeaner nightly I guess) Our cells to a certain extent can rebuild themselves as needed, probably using a checksum type of calculation (DNA). We can combine cells and create unique biological computers (reproduction). The question then becomes why? Were we made as a simple project to see if autonomous biological computers can truly be autonomous? Did we succeed because we are computers building computers? Will we eventually fail because as our research into biological computers continues we will ultimately become self aware and become self destructive when we do? When we fail will a new project begin (think of ancient advanced civilizations)? With a universe that is beyond our scope of understanding what is our actual size? Are we calls on a petrie dish? Or is our planet that cell? Were we created to to perform a universal task like prepare this planet or another for colonization of our creator, or just as a "what would happen if" type of scenario? Ever look at a motherboard? buildings for specific purposes and tasks, with freeways running everywhere, Looks like LA to me. When I am stuck in traffic am I simply an electron on a crowded circuit on my way to work to perform the same repetitive task that I have been programmed to do. When I loose my ability to execute my programming will I be reprogrammed to perform a new task or deemed to obsolete and be left to deteriorate? The human cell is no different than a bit, it is simply active or not, 1 or 0. Biological computing is in fact a reality, and at what time do we realize we can create a biological computer as advanced as a human? What happens when we do? Emotions you say? This I have a theory on. The fact is that if we new all the answers we would at that point be self aware and the end would probably be near. I do believe emotions are probably a measure put in place to keep us from knowing what we are, and is probably developed as we move from our base programming (newborn) to our assigned tasks (adulthood) based on our experiences. Any modern computer would base future decisions on previous miscalculations to avoid the same undesired outcome. This may go against our programming so a physical response (emotion) is needed to over ride a logical one based on past experiences (fight or flight). More often than not a logical response will have a better outcome than an emotional one (ask any poker player). However in dire situations there may not be time to make a logical response. Our brain is left out and we simply react. Like putting a hand on a hot stove. The brain is not needed here. The response simply happens from the emotion of pain at a level that will produce a faster reaction, despite weather it is logical or not (ask a battered wife) How many generations of biological computing deep are we. I don't think we are 1.0, but I do know we are not the final finished project. Is a more advanced version being explored on a different planet/petrie dish (there are billions of them you know) I can go on for days with the similarities. Or do we simply create computers based on our understanding of the human brain/condition? I used to believe the latter, but as time goes on I simply cant help but think my theory and ideas seem far more likely given our MASSIVE misunderstanding of our universe and purpose. I am confident that many people far smarter than me have had the same thoughts and I am looking to fill in the gaps. I am a computer, typing on a computer, that is composed of thousands of smaller computers. What is directing me? At his point I believe we are created/born with base programming for sustaining life, and as we exist we program ourselves based on environment, experiences, and conditions. Some of us have been able to break the barriers of our learned programming by ignoring pain, living in unspeakable conditions. Others have been able to ignore (or never got) the learned programming of compassion and love. And the last thing we loose is our base programming, like INVOLUNTARY muscle control of the heart and lungs (to an extent). The base programming will continue to perform until it can no more. We don't simply die. Our bodies (?) will go through a series of predictable events when it fails. A failing heart can generate a beat from several sources until all have been exhausted. A failing diaphragm will incorporate accessory muscles to breathe until they fail. A failing brain will revert back to its simplest functions (Alzheimer) until it can not sustain the simplest functions. I'm pretty sure I am a biological computer, and if I am not, Im bats**t crazy. I also know Im not that smart and there are others with similar ideas/theories. Please excuse my poor grammar, as I did not pay attention much during my programming phase. I am one of those people who found school to be a rudimentary waste of time, teaching people things that we "should" know. Perhaps that's why I don't understand this. I hope for 3 possible outcomes 1. Like minded curious people contact me (preferably smarter than me, not hard Im sure) for a good theoretical discussion. 2. Some dudes in black take me to a cell because I have stumbled upon the greatest lie ever told 3. A psychologist contacts me and tells me I'm crazy as f**k, and need to call him/her To be honest I think all 3 have an equal chance of happening...We'll see
Hi computer boy, Well i think either you watched way toooooooo much MATRIX and got carried away or your smartest guy that ever lived. Reading all this VERY NICELY SAID STUFF i think your worthy to become a friend of mine. Your special computer boy in your own way. You´ll be in my thoughts and prayers for sure I see a very bright future for you kid,that is if we all stay alive (MAYA predicted end of world ) I am one of those people who found school to be a rudimentary waste of time, teaching people things that we "should" know. Perhaps that's why I don't understand this. Yes and yes nicely said Did we succeed because we are computers building computers? This gave me a really good laugh P.S. How long did you need to write all this bro???? And i hope you´ll not get banned for this
no. you are not a computer. biological or otherwise. yes. you are an alpha version. of what? if you look at artificial intelligence software, and the appalling lack of progress there, for the last umpteen years, then it may dawn on you. real ai software has looked at ants, and pheromones. but an anthill is not a computer. what is called ai in games are mere scripting languages. computers have beaten the world champion at chess, eons ago. [ what is worse, my computer beats me at chess, unless i use titans.] but. it has all been done with arithmatic, scripts, and calculations. so. as you have proved by this post you can actually think. which proves that you are not a computer. just my two cents
There are similarities no doubt. Computer comes from lat: computare and means to totalize, to summarize. And ‘Computare’ were originally named humans which had to perform tedious calculations, for instance astronomers in the dark age. But IMO the differences prevail by far. “The human cell is no different than a bit, it is simply active or not, 1 or 0.” That is not true, except you mean dead or alive. A cell can age and mutate, a bit cannot, lol. Cells can divide and reproduce and there are different kinds of cells. Can't humans reproduce themselves? Computers cannot. And yes, what nodnar pointed out. Humans can think about computers and humans. Computers cannot think about computers and humans. And computers would not exist without humans, but humans existed without computers. And humans have intuition, computers don't have it. "I'm pretty sure I am a biological computer, and if I am not, Im bats**t crazy." Maybe you are both , if you are comfortable with this ideology, why not? The world needs crazy people. But one thing remains different, always. A computer will probably never think about if it's a computer or even a human. So I am pretty sure you are not a computer. You can compute, though.
@eric121: you're not a computer, you're a divine spark encased in a flesh form for you to learn the ways of the Spirit and of the flesh.
My answer is, no. Quite simply because, computers are stupid. This forum has enough human brainpower combined to prove otherwise. The human brain computers roughly one million MIPS of processing power when updated super computers only have a few million, and that's a super computer we're talking about, also as humans we are much more abstract and complex to that of a machine. Obviously a machine can complete the most complex tasks, but this is only because WE have engineered it to be what it is. Maybe we should hook up a brain as a processor?
"Cogito ergo sum" A computer can't ponder its' existence. At least not yet. And if it could, would it be emulating behavior taught to it, or would it have learned to ponder its' existence by itself?
Poor Descartes, without knowing (or did he?) mislead the humankind on a false path. I am NOT thoughts, nor feelings nor actions. I AM.
It is epic. But a victory! Put it in the context and see: no longer does one owe one's existence to anything/anybody outside of one, be it God, feudal Lord, tribe, Church, state or whatever - from now on, a Modern Subject is based in one self, one's thinking, in this case, and by implication that means one can improve oneself by one's labour/acts/choices (transcend one's previous limitations), one is not determined from birth, by birth, by one's feudal estate/class/etc. I do not mean to be patronising at all but: since this is my profession, just like you guys are helping me out with IT stuff - please do not take this the wrong way - allow me to return the favour a little bit... Modernity starts with this Man (and a bunch of other similar free souls/spirits, of course, preparing the ground for it all) and we better give credit where credit is due... Do not forget we are still living in Modernity (as an epoch)... Here is a an article to allow for some elementary info: http://archive.org/details/historyofphiloso007974mbp It's a bloody good History of Philosophy by Wilhelm Windelband!!! Free to download as pdf or Kindle or... I warmly recommend it!!! Enjoy!
Of course we are computers. What happens when my kidney drive goes bad, being a do it myself type of guy, I pop in some random kidney I have laying around and my body rejects it, so then I call doctor Ballmer and he says that my MSFT purchase agreement was only a kidney license and that if I need a compatible AGP kidney they are no longer being made and i should upgrade to a whole new body, so he can install dual PCiX kidney's with SLI and who can afford that these days. Guess I better hit craigslist "human organs and misc body parts by owner" section and hope I don't get scammed.
Descartes was an important man in history, without any doubt. Important for new thinking, own thinking, autonomy, basically self realizing. I didn't want to diminish what he has achieved when he lived. I only referred to Cogito ergo sum. The evolution of the Self is -pure instinct influenced actions -recognizing of a own being with own actions, but purely ego based -'Iamness' needs no reason. I am! There is no cause, no condition for it. So the 'modern' Descartes would have said today: Since I still haven't got who I really am, I cannot stop thinking about. But it's me who exists.... Besides of that, Modernity is located in ones mind. As an epoch it is nothing when one is retarded. To some Modernity and own thinking is too much freedom and rather a threat.
OK, Yen, it's clearer now, with some qualifications and it sounds better with some credits where credit is due... However, I have to ask a few Q's... Sorry, I have no idea what that means, since I have no idea what instinct in Humans is... I put it to you that Humans have no instincts in animal sense of the word, as in "complex type of behaviour, innate and not learnt but rather born with..." We have but potential, when we arrive in this world - but nothing else. Everything else we have to learn. The potential has to be triggered and then (this is no shouting, but stressing strongly!) WORKED ON, HEAVILY, SEVERELY and NOTHING IS "ALREADY IN US with/by birth"! That depends on an interpretation - Heideggerian or otherwise... Actually, one might reason that without Reason one can not arrive at a critical point such as that one, at the time when one arrived at it... And sure: no condition for it, since he is/was after the condition for all other things Humanly Earthly, to express myself in such a cumbersome manner... But you are onto something there, as they still have no real distinction between Reason and Understanding (and "common sense") at that point and that is a bummer... I believe you missed the point there, given the fact that one can not "modernise" it in such a direct manner, since our context differs from that of Descartes quite dramatically... You could possibly put those points to Bacon, much more forcefully, I think... Descartes, however, is struggling to bring forth a historical novum, i.e. a methodical scepsis (our RIGHT to doubt!) and a grounding for a Modern Subject. Not a simple quest, given the Feudal context, which is not to be taken lightly! You mean a "threat", don't you? And I believe you are right! And that IS the point of Modernity - a threat (to the powers that be, back then) that we can take care of ourselves without being "guided" by "blue-bloods" etc. Or "chosen ones" nowadays, whatever the grounding...
Yes, sure threat, I missed it. I copy those Descartes related posts into a new thread, for further discussions. http://forums.mydigitallife.net/thr...famous-words-What-do-they-actually-mean-to-us