I tried the YAOCTRI_Install.cmd script on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC setup and found that SetupComplete.cmd didn't even bother to run it. Here's the coding for the config file: Code: [configuration] SourcePath="%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts" Type=Local Version=16.0.16327.20264 Architecture=x64 O32W64=0 Language=en-US LCID=1033 Channel=Monthly CDN=492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60 SKUs=Access2021Volume,Excel2021Volume,PowerPoint2021Volume,Word2021Volume ExcludedApps=OneDrive UpdatesEnabled=True AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=False ForceAppShutdown=True AutoActivate=False DisableTelemetry=True DisplayLevel=False AutoInstallation=True Here's the code for the SetupComplete.cmd file Code: @echo off call %~dp0YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd Here are the files in %WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\ Code: Office (folder) C2R_Config_20240607-2355.ini (file) SetupComplete.cmd (file) YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd (file) Now, I would have elected to put this post into the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC Discussion Thread, but seeing as that it's more of a YAOCTRI problem than it is Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC alone, and that I can't find the YAOCTRI thread through a naked search string, I opted to put it here. Sorry if i crossposted, just put this in any existing thread if you like. Anyhow, after finding out that SetupComplete.cmd didn't install Micosoft Office 2021, I ran SetupComplete.cmd and found out that it required "administrative mode." Do I have to give it what it's asking for, and if so, how do I do It? EDIT: By the way, I am running a virtual machine.
en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso = OEM key only = skip SetupComplete.cmd use unattend.xml or en-us_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_d289cf96.iso
What's the difference between the two ISOs? EDIT: And is there an IoT option in the ISO you mentioned? If so, should I use it? EDIT: Is it like that for Windows 11 LTSC ISOs also? EDIT: Never mind, thanks!
Can you search a little please ... iot enterprise ltsc 2021 or 2024 have longuer support ( not applicable for older ltsc ! )
IoT Enterprise has different licensing. If installing an Edition using OEM licensing by default, Setup skips the OOBE, which includes Setupcomplete.cmd (possibly to give OEMs the opportunity for providing their own "Experience"). This applies also to the IoT Enterprise choice within the LTSC ISO. You must use the non-IoT choice first and later switch via product key.