anyone used bios for xfx 680i lt sli from here

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by m9x3mos, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. m9x3mos

    m9x3mos MDL Novice

    Jan 22, 2009
    Hello everyone i am soon going to mod my good computer with the bios from this page on my XFX 680i lt sli board and wanted to know if this bios was tested or not. I installed the bios mod for my asus k8v and had to tinker with the computer and clear the bios without the battery in overnight since jumper didn't work. right after the flash thatmachine didn't boot at all. no video or anything. left the bios out and then was able to get running but i was so worried about it but would ultimately be able to replace the bios chip. however on the XFX board replacing the bios chip is not an option if this fails and is not cover by manufacturer. was wondering here if anyone has tried and tested the bios to make sure I will not brick my good computer. Thank you in advance.