Hi All, Sorry if this has been covered before however I could not find an appropriate thread within the forum pages. I currently am trying to automate the following process but have come unstuck with coding ability. Essentially, using powershell I need to collect the applications (incl version number) that are installed on a workstation, auto extract that data into a text file and (eventually) export it into a MS excel s/s. In notepad I have run a variety of commands such as ##Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | select-object displayname, version | sort## however they produce different bodies of information none of which are complete. I have tried hitting the uninstaller path (as above) and hkcr:\installer\products\* as well. If anyone knows how to do this an easier way or simplify this process, further information would be great. Thanks
While very nice, it saves with .csv extension, but it is pipe delimited text, so for Excel to open correctly (giving choice to specify delimiter character), it needs to be saved with .txt extension