I must say am new here, if this is not the right place, please delete. Am looking for a software that will move all my mp3,s that are scattered in its previous folder and subfolders to a specific folder. what prompted this was that i was looking for a way to arrange my music folder, i went for Mediamonkey hoping to get something better, at the end it was all mess, creating more folders with unknown albums. I tried dropit software did't help can't scan subfolders.: what other help can i get: sorry for bad English, i can still explain more.
questions? What O.S. do you have? Where is your .mp3 music located now? In the "My Music" or where? And where do you want to move all your .mp3 music to?
Windows 7 ultimate:, two hard drives [SATA C] [IDE E] Music folder at E/Music want to move it back to a new created folder but this time no subfolders just my all mp3 files.
This will work for all music types.. Code: @echo off&color 1f md "%userprofile%\AllMusic_Types" 2>nul pushd "E:\Music\" for /f "delims=" %%g in ('dir /b /s /a-d *.mp3 *.wma *.m4a 2^>nul') do ( echo processing "%%g">nul if not exist "%userprofile%\AllMusic_Types\%%~nxg" ( Move "%%g" "%userprofile%\AllMusic_Types" >nul ) else ( >>"%userprofile%\AllMusic_Types\duplicates.txt" echo "%%g" ) ) popd cls echo *DONE* Press any key to exit..&pause>nul exit /b
If you have .mp3 files scattered in other subdirectories in the E:\Music this script will consoldate them all in the specified directory (Music_MP3) and also leave you a log file of any duplicates..DP Code: @echo off&color 1f md "%userprofile%\Music_MP3" 2>nul for /f "delims=" %%g in ('dir /b /s /a-d "E:\music\*.mp3" 2^>nul') do ( echo processing "%%g" if not exist "%userprofile%\Music_MP3\%%~nxg" ( Move "%%g" "%userprofile%\Music_MP3" >nul ) else ( >>"%userprofile%\Music_MP3\duplicates.txt" echo "%%g" ) ) cls echo *DONE* Press any key to exit.. pause>nul exit /b