[Tutorial] Add permanent SLIC 2.x and MSDM to ASUS motherboard using SLPBuilder

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by angelkyo, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. ssabb3

    ssabb3 MDL Novice

    Jan 31, 2016
    #41 ssabb3, May 16, 2019
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
    Thanks. I found that info since now I put a gfx card into the computer and flashed a phoenix-tool modified bios (slic 2.5) using the "new module" method.
    Only to find that the slic info hadnt changed since serv2016 was still activated.
    So I must have modified the previous bios version using also the "permanent" new-module method. So the Fujitsu 2.5 didnt write over the existing 2.4 dell, then really fulfilling the "permanent" denomination of the method. Surviging a flash with a new slic.

    So I am planning to do this:
    1. Download amiflash, extract the Aptio Afuwin64 folder.
    2. . Open it and run AFUWINGUI.EXE. Click Open and select modded bios file.
    3. On the opened SETUP tab uncheck all boxes and check only box #2 under "Non-critical block" caption. Press Flash and wait till it's green.
    4. Reboot. Enjoy.

    I guess the slic is removed then, and could be put back using another "permanent" new module, or oa_slpbuilder, or modify bios using the "dynamic" method & flash back.

    I will update the status once tried.

    AptioV5 wingui64: read bios. Deselected "main block", only selected "block 2". clicking flash prompted me to use AptioV4 (too old of a motherboard I guess)
    AptioV4 wingui64: complains about it being impossible to flash ME Firmware. Flash button greyed out regardless of settings within the gui.

    Perhaps trying from DOS:
    afudos.exe biosfile.rom /K1
    from the dos-manual, where K means "Program the n'th non-critical block (n=0-15)"
    Programming Specific NCB Block – /Kn

    /Kn command is designed to program a specific non-critical block, or NCB block. AFUAPTIO
    would search ROM and identify the first NCB Block found as K0, and the second one as K1, etc.
    Therefore, command /K2 would program the third NCB Block found by AFU.
  2. ssabb3

    ssabb3 MDL Novice

    Jan 31, 2016
    #43 ssabb3, May 16, 2019
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
    So, summary: running activated server 2016 using new Fuji 2.5 slic. This is the whole story.
    1. Existing slic dell 2.4. Probably modded by me using "new module" 2018 for headless server install.
    2. Tried adding fuji2.5 using SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe, gave errors, posted here.
    3. Phoenix-tool 2.73 to modify latest bios, added fuji25.bin, "new module".
    4. Flashed this morning using bios easy flash.
    5. Server Still activated after reboot. rw-everything indicating still Dell 2.4 slic.
    6. Searched the net, eventually found info on Aptio, AMi flash, winflashgui with "non-critical-block 2" to remove permanent slic mod using "new module"
    7. Got similar reply from my post.
    8. Downloaded Aptio version 5, extracted winflash64, started gui, loaded Asus-standard-bios of latest release, deselected all flash options except non-critical block2
    9. Error. Too new tool for my old Bios.
    10. Downloaded Aptio 4. Same procedcure as above. New Result: "cannot flash something ME Firmware. Flash button grey.
    11. Tried 32-bit version. Did not even start on my Server 2016x64.
    12. Tried setting runas-win8,. win7 on the gui-version. Same error A1 "something ME", i.e. no effect.
    13. Tried AFUWINx64.EXE from prompt within windows. Possible to read & save the bios using /O option.
    14. Instead of hassling with bootable usb, I went ahead and tried AFUWINx64.EXE expecting it to fail.
    15. Tried typing AFUWINx64.EXE unmodded-biosfile.rom /K1
    16. /K1 is for block 2 since the command-prompt version starts with 0-15 but the wingui shows 1-16.
    17. Text indicating success. WTF!
    18. Reboot. Windows server not activated. Halleluja. Never been that happy seeing non-activated status.
    19. tried SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe, since the slic must be gone, I flashed block /K1 using original bios, right!?
    20. Same error as before. WTF.
    21. Ew-everything indicating fuj PC slic of version 2.5
    22. WTF!!
    23. slmgr.vbs -fujitsu-xrm.mrs whatever the filename is.
    24. slmgr.vbs /ATO
    25. Windows Activated.

    So, success. But I have no clue what the "non-critical block 2" actually does, and how the fujitsu 2.5 slic was there after I used the original unmodded formware to flash block2. The logical would be that flashing block2 with unmodded fw would create an empty slic, needing reflash or as I intended; use SLPbuilderX64 to add it afterwards, and flashing block2 using a modded bios would add the slic infp from it into the seldom written area of the bios, i.e. block 2.
    In this case, the flash this morning with modded fuji25-bios did not manage to overwrite the dell slic. Flashing block2 from prompt within windows using un-modded bios made the dell 2.4 disappear, and the already flashed fuji2.5 to appear.
    Or did the SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe command manage to write the fuji25 slic eventhough it gave the same error as before when it did not manage to write the info. So strange.

    Any1 that can explain what actually happens? Writing block2 does does what exactly? It did not write the slic info, but removed the "protection" of the dell2.4 so the flashed fuji2.5 became visible.

    Now I will update to 2019 to get rid of these unstable looooongish updates. Halleluja*2
  3. botva

    botva MDL Junior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    #44 botva, May 18, 2019
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
    you need to operate with same bios versions, because blocks may shifted depends of it.
    so, if you want to exactly clean from any slicks, msdn tables etc., you need to download last bios, flash it and clean all blocks except 1 via afuwin by using the same bios file.
    i'm little bit misunderstanding about your bios versions, but i think it was different.
  4. yushi1987

    yushi1987 MDL Novice

    Jun 19, 2019
    Good, I'll try
  5. aaalekseyyy

    aaalekseyyy MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2015
    #46 aaalekseyyy, Nov 24, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2019
    It was possible with this method to activate Windows 10 Pro OEM Fujitsu.

    1. Install Slic Table v 2.5 Fujitsu in BIOS
    2. Install MSDM Table with OEM key Windows 10 Pro Fujitsu in BIOS
    3. Disable Internet (Important: During the preparatory period, Windows 10 should not connect to Microsoft activation servers)
    4. Install Windows 10 Pro Retail
    5. Install Сertificate Fujitsu (SLMGR.VBS /ILC C:\Fujitsu.XRM-MS) - OK
    6. Install OEM key Windows 10 Pro Fujitsu (SLMGR.VBS /IPK XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX) - OK
    7. Activate (SLMGR.VBS /ATO) - Error [Because Windows 10 license type OEM: DM (Windows Server 2019 license type OEM: SLP)]
    8. Enable Internet
    9. Windows 10 is automatically activated

    Note. 100% result is not guaranteed for Windows 10.
    I think that the number of activations for the Windows 10 OEM key is the same as for the retail key.
  6. SLICuser

    SLICuser MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009

    Do you know how what the /ACT is?

    Is it a license number or entry vector?
  7. quid

    quid MDL Addicted

    Oct 22, 2010
    /act:[key]                user key to enable slp insertion
    Probably different per vendor.
  8. henrique araujo

    henrique araujo MDL Junior Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    hi all
    i want test here in my crosshair IV... anyone make a mod bios for me test here?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. botva

    botva MDL Junior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    #50 botva, Oct 13, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021

    Attached Files:

    • SLP26.7z
      File size:
      458 bytes
  10. RobrPatty

    RobrPatty MDL Expert

    Jul 23, 2009
    #51 RobrPatty, Feb 17, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2023
    Tried to Dell SLIC 2.6 and got these errors:
    Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.20348.1547]
    (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\ASUS_OA3
    C:\ASUS_OA3>SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe /clearoa30
    MB EFI BIOS identified
    MB EFI BIOS progress complete
    C:\ASUS_OA3>SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe /oa20:DELL[PE_SC3]2.6-A754CB91.bin /oemid:DELL /oemtableid:pC /act:9C134SIMF51GYI8HEDJ2F47ZW
    create file C:\ASUS_OA3\690b33e1-0462-4e84-9bea-c7552b45432a.sys failed, lasterror 0x00000020
    create ASIO driver file error.
    last error : 32
    C:\ASUS_OA3>SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe /oa20:DELL[PE_SC3]2.6-A754CB91.bin /oemid:DELL /oemtableid:pC /act:9C134SIMF51GYI8HEDJ2F47ZW
    create file C:\ASUS_OA3\690b33e1-0462-4e84-9bea-c7552b45432a.sys failed, lasterror 0x00000020
    create ASIO driver file error.
    last error : 32
    C:\ASUS_OA3>SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe /oa30:OA3.bin /oemid:DELL /oemtableid:pC /act:I2YC53K72YYGIK9JSKW4214UV
    create file C:\ASUS_OA3\690b33e1-0462-4e84-9bea-c7552b45432a.sys failed, lasterror 0x00000020
    create ASIO driver file error.
    last error : 32
  11. RobrPatty

    RobrPatty MDL Expert

    Jul 23, 2009
    Looks like the 690b33e1-0462-4e84-9bea-c7552b45432a.sys file is the problem
  12. quid

    quid MDL Addicted

    Oct 22, 2010
    Make sure you’re running it from an elevated command prompt.
  13. maxi_e

    maxi_e MDL Novice

    Mar 9, 2016
    Delete *.sys
    Run as administrator
    C:\ASUS_OA3>SLPbuilderX64_3_6.exe /oa30:OA3.bin /oemid:DELL /oemtableid:pC /act:I2YC53K72YYGIK9JSKW4214UV