Asus P5Q-E version 1306.rom bios

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by Sent1nel, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Sent1nel

    Sent1nel MDL Novice

    Oct 1, 2008
    Hey, I've been trying to use the slic moded bios on this site to flash my motherboard with but none of them work?
    It complains about the boot block being incorrect and when trying to use the latest version of AFUDOS from a DOS startup it says the file is not recognised (not due to file name length).

    I am able to use the official untouched bios found on the asus site however, but those of which have been moded do not work.
    Does anyone else have the same problem?

    Also is it possible to even edit the 1306.rom bios, as every AMI bios editing tool i've tried cannot read it ??
  2. sam95ta

    sam95ta MDL Novice

    Jul 19, 2007
    You need to rename it to the same as the official Asus 1306 bios.EX P5Q-E-ASUS-1306.ROM
  3. Sent1nel

    Sent1nel MDL Novice

    Oct 1, 2008
    Ok thanks guys, i somehow got it to flash. I had to use a different kind of flash drive and rename the file as mentioned. But strangly it did not flash until i changed my bios from 0605 to 1306 from ASUS. Only after I had done that was i able to flash to the SLIC'd bios.

    I can you, this is one strange board. Never had to go through this when modding my old Gigabyte DQ6 p965.