I have a asus board and a component specific to the asus node connection on my computer. Boards that have this this component inside their bios file have no issues addressing and identifying the component in software or bios. My issue is inside my bios file the hardware doesn't exist, fortunately the bios strings do as useless as they are currently. My question is has anyone here tried and successfully altered their bios by implementing another boards bios into their own? The working motherboards bios folder i want to insert reads like Setup Monitor Q-fan Configuration Ext. Fan(s) Configuration My board is missing the ext fan configuration referenced.
You likely just have to crossflash your mobo to one that does have the file you are looking for, beware of crossflashing to the highest end (crosshair/maximus) since ive tried on my p5q and p6t and that just didnt work (no post stuck on iirc d7 code) but anything else and you should hopefully be fine Try at your own risk though, bricked =/= broken but if your board isnt dualbios or you cant desolder the bios to reflash it then you can consider it effectively broken
I noticed in bios cap file there is EXTfan NVAR entries and some other ext fan stuff in nvar.QFan body. I originally thought locating the hex body of the ext fan configuration inside bios from boards that support it and simply inserting/replacing the portion in my bios would be a grand idea. I now consider this an exercise in futility but still refuse to accept defeat. I appreciate your input and will consider the options but finally "asus tech support now has confirmed the Fan Extension card II only supports PRIME X299 DELUXE II and PRIME X299 EDITION 30, ROG RAMPAGE VI EXTREME ENCORE, ROG RAMPAGE VI EXTREME OMEGA." Although the ROG ZENITH II EXTREME also has the setup in bios for the card. None of which seem like good candidates to flash a Rog x570-e gaming board with.