The following batch script will take an input string and convert it into it's hex counterpart with a comma (,) delimiter every 2nd character. Save this file to something like str2hex.bat Call it like this: str2hex.bat demon.devin Return output: 64,65,6D,6F,6E,2E,64,65,76,69,6E Code: @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion :stringToHex rem Store the string in chr.tmp file. set /P "=%~1" < NUL > chr.tmp rem Create zero.tmp file with the same number of ASCII zero characters. for %%a in (chr.tmp) do fsutil file createnew zero.tmp %%~Za > NUL rem Compare both files with FC /B and get the differences. set "hex=" for /F "skip=1 tokens=2" %%a in ('fc /B chr.tmp zero.tmp') do set "hex=!hex!%%a" del chr.tmp zero.tmp set Text=%hex% set output= rem Batch files don't have a LEN function. rem So this loop will process up to 500 chararcters by doing a substring on each. for /L %%I in (0,2,500) do ( call set Letter=!Text:~%%I,2! rem Only process when a letter is returned. if not "!Letter!" == "" ( set output=!output!,!Letter! ) else ( rem Otherwise, we have reached the end. goto DoneProcessing ) ) :DoneProcessing rem Remove leading character. set output=%output:~1,999% echo %output%