Hi folks, I'm in need of URL cloaking tool for sharing few designs with clients. Please help me with something freely available. Thanks!
Are you referring to a URL shortening service? If so, I'm currently using app.y.gy, and while it doesn't much compare with Bit.ly back when they had a serviceable free tier on offer, it (mostly) performs as advertised and meets my needs. I will highlight one pain point that has cropped up from time-to-time for me, which is the fact that whenever you create a link, you "burn" the address, as they don't permit edits of any sort on link targets once they're created. So for instance, if you create a link that's <y.gy/damnit> and then realize that you screwed up entering the target URL or the target page itself has moved, not only can you not update the link to a new target, you also can't delete it and recreate it anew; once a link name ('damnit', in this case) has been used, it is "burnt" and can never point to another URL besides the one used at assignment. This is true of generic y.gy links as well as any you create using custom domains that you're configured to use with their service. That was frustrating to me in a couple instances, but other than that, it's been a nice addition to my toolbag since losing Bit.ly as a resource.
Thanks for your replies! Link "cloaking" is actually the process of masking the actual URL. For reference, please try "cloaking" at linklyhq.com