black screen no beep no boot only capslock and scroll lock blinks

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by ayem, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. ayem

    ayem MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Recent days i have got an alert 602 to change my internal battery. I tried to locate the CMOS battery by removing the HDD cover then removed the RAM from slots and finally found the battery at a different location. I checked the CMOS with a led bulb it glows. I inserted the battery, RAM and tried restarting it. All I could see is black screen and lights blinking continuously at caps lock and scroll lock. I could hear the CPU fan running. Then tried all the combination for the 2 RAM with the slots. Not even hearing the beep without any RAM. Please help me to resolve it.

    Just now i tried copying the .fd file for F.11 into a flash drive and tried booting it by pressing Win + B also tried with fn + Esc but no use.

    Thanks in advance.

    Laptop details: HP DV5t-1000, Win Vista, Insyde BIOS- F.11, 2X2GB RAM
  2. ayem

    ayem MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Issue resolved. one of the RAM was not seated properly. Still i don't understand why there was no beep when i tried without any RAM. Can any one guess?
  3. trolltamer2

    trolltamer2 MDL Junior Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    I don't think laptops do the beeping, my dell was the same with a badly seated ram stick.....just the capslock flashed no beeping!