Yesterday it switched through green, to magnifiying glass, back to normal. I was just staring at the screen and then, out of nowhere. No update, I did nothing. Probably just some stray bonus... ;D
Maybe you would like to give some information about what kind of computer it is, what kind of Windows is there installed, how it was installed, what you personally have restricted or blocked there, etc. Right now it really looks like you just like to Troll. P.S. And it also remains unclear what it means that you don't use OneDrive, but at the same time you claim that it is the place where are problems an it causes the problems.
By design, there is a limit of 15 overlays minus 4 slots reserved for the system (11 left) in all Windows versions. If there are more than 11, only the first 11 registred are validated. This may explain the icons overlay "war" you observed on your system. Check out these 2 keys to identify all icons overlays handlers on your system: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers Not a permanent fix but you can create a script to remove what you want and make it run at startup. (don't forget to add a command to restart the explorer at the end of the script)