[DISCUSSION] Browser Support for Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Chuterix, Jan 6, 2023.

  1. ceo54

    ceo54 MDL Addicted

    Aug 13, 2015
    I didn't know about all that. But I thought Google Android was the first to impose mandatory telemetry and no admin privileges on your device. Plus the only place to get the apps is their own place, the infamous store. Anyways we can agree they all buy (steal) evil ideas from each other and try to out do one another in who could abolish more users rights, control and privacy. I have never used an Apple device and probably never would so what they do doesn't concern me but Google is pure evil and shame Microsoft has followed in their foot marks.

    Thank you for enlightenment.
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  2. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Still Android is the OS that grants more freedom, at least for users who care.

    You can install a custom rom, you can have a perfectly running device w/o using a single bit of their infrastructure thanks to microG (something I do since the stone age).

    You can use the browser you want based on the engine you prefer and so on. You can install apks directly or from an alternate store, On most devices you can go back and forth from (say nougat) to android 13, and so on.

    Compare that with what happen in Apple world where since the day one, you could use apps only from their store, and even their store don't allow competitive applications with apple programs, so no Vivaldi, no Opera, no filemanagers, nothing. You can't downgrade IOS, you can't do nothing other than taking some photos and browsing the web with their iDiotic safari.

    There is no doubt that Google and MS are getting worse year after year, but Apple is a bad company since the day they did a U turn over the brilliant policies they had in the days of Apple II, and became even worse after the jobs return in the last years of the past millennium.
  3. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
    So... the question remains: has anyone managed to run Chrome or Chromium 110 on Windows 7 ? It would be nice to have some sort of bypass method to achieve that. Even manual updates by unpacking the files from a zip package and overwriting (similar to VSCode) or something along those lines would be fine.

    Running an unpatched browser without any security updates for long, will open a can of worms, we can be sure of that.
  4. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Chrome IS a can of worms no matter the build you use and the version of windows you're going to install it.

    BTW I don think that a setup workaround will be enough, but you can test yourself just copying the folder from a supported OS then clicking on chrome.exe and see what happens.
  5. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
    I've obviously tried and throws a dll error. Hence why I'm asking if there's a way of actually running Chromium 110+ on Windows 7. Please note I didn't say Chrome only; I assume that basically any Chromium-based browser can be started once Chromium itself is somehow made/forced to run on Win 7.

    I personally would love to have a Chromium 110-based Brave browser running on my PC.
  6. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
  7. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
  8. hosenfefer

    hosenfefer MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2015
    LibreWolf 110.0-1 here (+ Neat Download Manager). Works fine.
  9. RukiaPie

    RukiaPie MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2020
    Firefox 3.5 was the last great Firefox update. You could install Foxkeh and have an adorable little fox running as you loaded pages. Chrome then did the constant updates thing and since then it's been a sh** show
  10. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
    Neither SlimJet nor Vivaldi will integrate Chromium 110+ support for Windows 7.
    And LibreWolf is not a Chromium-based browser.

    I'll keep asking: is there anyone with a solution for actually running Chromium 110 on Win 7?
  11. ceo54

    ceo54 MDL Addicted

    Aug 13, 2015
    Indeed. Google ruins everything it touches. Browsers use to have small disk footprint before Chromium came along. I remember Opera use to take merely 80 MB's of disk space before it migrated to Chromium. And what's with the frequent updates ? how many vulnerabilities and bugs are there that needs to be constantly fixed ?
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  12. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
    I wouldn't want to argue, but browsers have become very complex pieces of software that need/want to keep up with the latest JavaScript, CSS, HTML etc. Also let's not forget that they save passwords and login data, not to mention cookies, which is a huge can of worms in an of itself. Most websites use cookies pretty heavily, so a browser has to deal with them. Due to so many changing parameters, it can get difficult to keep up (from the point of view of browser developers).

    And yes, I understand your point for users that browse a little bit here and there, but what about web developers or power users? They usually work with the browser's developer tools on a constant basis... so that also needs to be as up-to-date and functional as possible...
    Just my 2 cents.
  13. hosenfefer

    hosenfefer MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2015
    Softpedia, FileHorse, Comss: Yandex browser (and it is Chromium based) works on Win7+. Latest version is 23.1.4.
    Don't know is this true, or they're just lazy to change printed specs if not.
  14. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
    Thanks for the info, I've checked everywhere and I am not able to find the actual Chromium version being used in the latest Yandex Browser. I've searched for release notes, for changelog, for version history and other terms, but that information is simply not disclosed...
  15. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Nowadays choosing betwen Opera, Yandex, Chrome, or edge.

    Means choosing if you prefer being spied by russians, chinese or americans.

    Yet another reason to use vivaldi, which is built by a small and trusted Norwegian company, the same people who invented the real Opera based on the presto engine, the same people who invented practically any feature you can find in any modern browser, starting from tabs (now ubiquitus), online sicronizzation, zoommable pages, mouseless navigation, sticky tabs, and so on.

    Just think to anything that makes the navigation pleasurable, it was Opera work, then cloned sooner or later by anyone else.
  16. KrypteX

    KrypteX MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2014
    #120 KrypteX, Feb 28, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2023