SL7FIX is a tray icon application written in C# that simplifies rearming SLMGR. It will also run batch files for performing rearm resets. It is a small app all in one file, so it can be easily deployed and compiled with CSC. The source and a compiled binary are available at github under my username: SCREAMINGFIST
1.2 Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; [assembly: AssemblyTitle("SL7FIX")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("SL7FIX")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] // namespace SL7FIX { public static class Info { public enum Status { Unknown, Unlicensed, Licensed, Grace, Expired, Counterfeit, NoKey } public static String KeyType; public static String OS; public static String Description; public static String PartialKey; public static Status LicenseStatus; public static String StatusMessage; public static String NotifyReason; public static Int32? RearmCount; public static Int32? MinutesLeft; public static DateTime? TrustedTime; public static DateTime? ExpireTime; public static DateTime InfoTime = DateTime.Now; } } // namespace SL7FIX { class AppMain { [STAThread] static void Main (string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new WinForm()); } }} // namespace SL7FIX { static class About { public static String Title { get { return "SL7FIX"; } } }} // namespace SL7FIX { static class Config { public static String Path { get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEMDRIVE") + @"\SL7FIX"; } } public static Dictionary<String,String> Keys = new Dictionary<String,String> { { "ULTIMATE", "D4F6K-QK3RD-TMVMJ-BBMRX-3MBMV" } }; // Shortcut LNK File That Points To C:\SL7FIX\SL7FIX.EXE public static String LNK64 = "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"; }} // namespace SL7FIX { class Log { public static void MSG (String msg) { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\t" + msg); } public static void EX (Exception ex) { Log.MSG(ex.Message+"\n\n"+ex.StackTrace); } }} // namespace SL7FIX { class WinForm : Form { private IContainer Components = null; private NotifyIcon TrayIcon; public WinForm () { Init(); } private void Init () { Log.MSG("WinForm->Init"); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow; ShowInTaskbar = false; if (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location==Config.Path+@"\SL7FIX.EXE") { Commands.InstallStartupLink(); } Commands.SetInfo(); Load += new EventHandler(Form_Load); Components = new Container(); TrayIcon = GetTrayIcon(Components); } private void Form_Load (Object o, EventArgs e) { HideForm(); if (Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.Expired) { if (Info.RearmCount>0) { if (AskQuestion("Your windows trial has expired."+"\n"+"Would you like to rearm the trial?")) { RearmTrial(); } } else { MsgBox("Your windows trial has expired and the rearm counter is 0."+"\n"+"Select a reset method from the trayicon to restore your rearm count."); } } if (Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.NoKey) { if (!InstallKey()) { MsgBox("SL7FIX Needs A Windows Key To Run, Exiting Now"); } Exit(null,null); } } private void Exit (Object o, EventArgs e) { Application.Exit(); } private void ShowInfo (Object o, EventArgs e) { Commands.ShowInfo(); } private void Tray_Click (Object o, EventArgs e) { TrayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Show(Cursor.Position.X,Cursor.Position.Y); } private void HideForm () { Hide(); Location = new Point(-9999,-9999); } private void MsgBox (String msg) { MsgBox(msg,About.Title); } private void MsgBox (String msg, String title) { MessageBox.Show(msg,title); } private Boolean AskQuestion (String q) { var result = MessageBox.Show(q,About.Title,MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result.ToString()=="Yes") { return true; } else { return false; } } // private Boolean InstallKey () { return InstallKey(null,null); } private Boolean InstallKey (Object o, EventArgs e) { if (AskQuestion("Windows product key is missing, would you like to install one?")) { if (Commands.InstallKey()) { MsgBox("Windows product key was sucessfully installed"); Process.Start(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); return true; } else { MsgBox("Key Install Operation Failed"); } } else { MsgBox("Key Install Operation Canceled"); } return false; } // private void RearmTrial () { RearmTrial(null,null); } private void RearmTrial (Object o, EventArgs e) { if (AskQuestion("Are you sure you want to rearm the windows trial?\nThis operation equires a system reboot!")) { if (Commands.RearmTrial()) { TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(9999,About.Title,"Rebooting to rearm trial...",ToolTipIcon.Info); } else { MsgBox("Rearm Trial Operation Failed"); } } else { MsgBox("Rearm Trial Operation Canceled"); } } // private void ResetCounter_DELWPA () { ResetCounter_DELWPA(null,null); } private void ResetCounter_DELWPA (Object o, EventArgs e) { if (AskQuestion("Are you sure you want to reset the counter?\nThis operation requires a system reboot!")) { if (Commands.ResetCounter_DELWPA()) { TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(9999,About.Title,"Rebooting to run DELWPA...",ToolTipIcon.Info); } else { MsgBox("Reset Counter Operation Failed"); } } else { MsgBox("Reset Counter Operation Canceled"); } } // private void ResetCounter_TOKENS () { ResetCounter_TOKENS(null,null); } private void ResetCounter_TOKENS (Object o, EventArgs e) { if (AskQuestion("Are you sure you want to reset the counter?\nThis operation requires a system reboot!")) { if (Commands.ResetCounter_TOKENS()) { TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(9999,About.Title,"Rebooting to reset counter...",ToolTipIcon.Info); } else { MsgBox("Reset Counter Operation Failed"); } } else { MsgBox("Reset Counter Operation Canceled"); } } // private NotifyIcon GetTrayIcon (IContainer container) { String tip = ""; tip += "Status: " + Info.LicenseStatus + "\n"; if (Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.Grace) { var days = (Info.ExpireTime.Value-DateTime.Now).Days; tip += days + " day" + (days==1?"":"s") + " remaining" + "\n"; } if (Info.RearmCount!=null) { tip += Info.RearmCount+" rearm"+(Info.RearmCount==1?"":"s")+" left"; } var tray = new NotifyIcon(container); tray.Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(@"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CREDWIZ.EXE"); tray.Text = About.Title; tray.Visible = true; tray.ShowBalloonTip(9,About.Title,tip,ToolTipIcon.Info); tray.ContextMenuStrip = GetMenu(); // tray.Click += new EventHandler(Tray_Click); // TODO: fix this so it will disappear like normal context menu return tray; } // private ContextMenuStrip GetMenu () { ToolStripItem item = null; List<ToolStripItem> items = new List<ToolStripItem> (); item = new ToolStripMenuItem(About.Title); item.Enabled = false; items.Add(item); /* items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Auto Rearm Trial"); item.Checked = true; items.Add(item); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Auto Reset Counter"); item.Checked = true; items.Add(item); */ items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Show Info", null, new EventHandler(ShowInfo)); items.Add(item); items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Rearm Trial", null, new EventHandler(RearmTrial)); if ((Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.Expired || Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.Grace) && Info.RearmCount>0) { item.Enabled = true; } else { item.Enabled = false; } items.Add(item); items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Reset Counter Using DELWPA", null, new EventHandler(ResetCounter_DELWPA)); //if (Info.LicenseStatus!=Info.Status.Unknown && Info.RearmCount==0) { item.Enabled = true; } else { item.Enabled = false; } //if (Info.RearmCount!=0) { item.Enabled = false; } //if (Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.Unknown) { item.Enabled = false; } items.Add(item); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Reset Counter Using TOKENS", null, new EventHandler(ResetCounter_TOKENS)); //if (Info.LicenseStatus!=Info.Status.Unknown && Info.RearmCount==0) { item.Enabled = true; } else { item.Enabled = false; } //if (Info.RearmCount!=0) { item.Enabled = false; } //if (Info.LicenseStatus==Info.Status.Unknown) { item.Enabled = false; } items.Add(item); items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Exit", null, new EventHandler(Exit)); items.Add(item); ContextMenuStrip menu = new ContextMenuStrip(); foreach (var x in items) { menu.Items.Add(x); } return menu; } }} // namespace SL7FIX { static class Commands { private static String Run (String cmd, String args) { var proc = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = cmd, Arguments = args, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true }}; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); var output = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().TrimEnd(new char[] {'\n','\r'})+"\n"; Log.MSG("Run: "+cmd+" "+args+"\n\n"+output+"\n"); // MsgBox(output); return output; } // private static Boolean RunAs (String cmd, String args) { var proc = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = cmd, Arguments = args, UseShellExecute = true, CreateNoWindow = true, Verb = "runas" }}; Log.MSG("RunAs: "+cmd+" "+args); try { proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.EX(ex); MessageBox.Show("RunAs Operation Canceled By User",About.Title); return false; } return true; } // private static void Reboot (Int32 seconds) { Reboot(null,seconds); } private static void Reboot (String reason) { Reboot(reason,9); } private static void Reboot (String reason, Int32 seconds) { var cmd = @"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SHUTDOWN.EXE"; var args = "-r -t "+seconds+" -c \""+reason+"\""; Run(cmd,args); } // private static String GetDLV () { String output = Run(@"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CSCRIPT.EXE",@"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SLMGR.VBS /DLV"); Log.MSG("SLMGR.VBS /DLV"+"\n\n"+output+"\n"); return output; } private static String GetExpiredDLV () { return @" Name: Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition Description: Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel Partial Product Key: 3MBMV License Status: Notification Notification Reason: 0xC004F009 (grace time expired). Remaining Windows rearm count: 0 Trusted time: 8/9/2013 9:45:52 PM "; } private static String GetGraceDLV () { return @" Name: Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition Description: Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel Partial Product Key: 3MBMV License Status: Initial grace period Time remaining: 43200 minute(s) (30 day(s)) Remaining Windows rearm count: 1 Trusted time: 8/9/2013 10:03:31 PM "; } // public static Boolean InstallKey () { var result = false; result = RunAs("CSCRIPT.EXE",@"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SLMGR.VBS -IPK "+Config.Keys[Info.KeyType]); return result; } public static Boolean InstallStartupLink () { if (!File.Exists(Config.Path+@"\SL7FIX.EXE")) { return false; } var lnk = Config.Path+@"\SL7FIX.LNK"; if (!File.Exists(lnk)) { File.WriteAllBytes(lnk,Convert.FromBase64String(Config.LNK64)); } var menuLink = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu)+@"\PROGRAMS\STARTUP"+@"\SL7FIX.LNK"; if (!File.Exists(menuLink)) { File.Copy(lnk,menuLink); } return true; } // private static Int32? GetInt (String str) { try { return Convert.ToInt32(str); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.MSG(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } return null; } public static void MsgBox (String msg) { MsgBox(msg,null); } public static void MsgBox (String msgraw, String title) { var msgz = msgraw.TrimStart(new char[] {'\n','\r'}).Split('\n'); var msg = ""; foreach (var line in msgz) { msg += line.TrimStart(new char[] {'\t'}); } MessageBox.Show(msg,title); } // //public static void SetInfo () { SetInfo(GetExpiredDLV()); } //public static void SetInfo () { SetInfo(GetGraceDLV()); } public static void SetInfo () { SetInfo(GetDLV()); } public static Boolean SetInfo (String dlv) { var dlvz = dlv.Split('\n'); if (dlvz.Length==3) { return false; } if (dlv.Contains("Error: product key not found")) { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.NoKey; Info.KeyType="ULTIMATE"; return false; } // TODO: Use WMIC OS GET CAPTION to get KeyType String q = ""; foreach (String lineraw in dlvz) { String line = lineraw.TrimStart(new char[] {'\t'}); q = "Name: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.OS = line.Substring(q.Length); } q = "Description: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.Description = line.Substring(q.Length); } q = "Partial Product Key: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.PartialKey = line.Substring(q.Length); } q = "License Status: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.StatusMessage = line.Substring(q.Length); } q = "Notification Reason: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.NotifyReason = line.Substring(q.Length); } q = "Remaining Windows rearm count: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.RearmCount = GetInt(line.Substring(q.Length)); } q = "Trusted time: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { Info.TrustedTime = DateTime.Parse( line.Substring(q.Length) ); } q = "Time remaining: "; if (line.StartsWith(q)) { var x = line.Substring(q.Length); var m = x.Substring(0,x.IndexOf(" minute(s)")); Info.MinutesLeft = GetInt(m); } } if (Info.OS.Contains("Ultimate edition")) { Info.KeyType = "ULTIMATE"; } if (Info.StatusMessage.Contains("Unlicensed")) { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.Unlicensed; } else if (Info.StatusMessage.Contains("Licensed")) { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.Licensed; } else if (Info.StatusMessage.Contains("Initial grace period")) { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.Grace; } else if (Info.StatusMessage.Contains("Notification") && Info.NotifyReason.Contains("grace time expired")) { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.Expired; } else if (Info.NotifyReason.Contains("C004FE00")) { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.Counterfeit; } else { Info.LicenseStatus = Info.Status.Unknown; } if (Info.MinutesLeft.HasValue) { if (Info.TrustedTime.HasValue) { Info.ExpireTime = Info.TrustedTime.Value.AddMinutes(Info.MinutesLeft.Value); } } else { Info.MinutesLeft = 0; } return true; } // public static void ShowInfo () { String msg = ""; msg += "OS: " + Info.OS + "\n"; msg += "Description: " + Info.Description + "\n"; msg += "PartialKey: " + Info.PartialKey + "\n"; msg += "LicenseStatus: " + Info.LicenseStatus + "\n"; msg += "StatusMessage: " + Info.StatusMessage + "\n"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.NotifyReason)) { msg += "NotifyReason: " + Info.NotifyReason + "\n"; } msg += "RearmCount: " + Info.RearmCount + "\n"; msg += "InfoTime: " + Info.InfoTime + "\n"; msg += "TrustedTime: " + Info.TrustedTime + "\n"; msg += "MinutesLeft: " + Info.MinutesLeft + "\n"; if (Info.ExpireTime!=null) { msg += "ExpireTime: " + Info.ExpireTime + "\n"; } MessageBox.Show(msg,About.Title); } // public static Boolean RearmTrial () { Log.MSG("CMD: RearmTrial"); var result = RunAs("CSCRIPT.EXE",@"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SLMGR.VBS -REARM"); if (result) { Reboot("SL7FIX: Rearming Trial"); } return result; } // public static Boolean ResetCounter () { return ResetCounter_DELWPA(); } // public static Boolean ResetCounter_DELWPA () { Log.MSG("CMD: ResetCounter_DELWPA"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.Path); var delwpacmd = Config.Path+@"\DELWPA.CMD"; var delwpastr = @" REG LOAD HKLM\MY_SYSTEM "+'"'+@"%~dp0..\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM"+'"'+@" REG DELETE HKLM\MY_SYSTEM\WPA /F REG UNLOAD HKLM\MY_SYSTEM EXIT "; var result = true; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.Path); File.WriteAllText(delwpacmd,delwpastr); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.MSG(ex.Message+"\n\n"+ex.StackTrace); result = false; } if (result) { MsgBox(@" * Write these directions down or snap them with your phone * After closing this message, your PC will reboot * Hit F8 as soon as your PC starts booting to open the boot menu * Choose 'Repair My Computer', login and then select 'Command Prompt' * Your SYSTEMDRIVE is mapped randomly, so you need to locate it... * Enter the following commands until the window closes: * C:\SL7FIX\DELWPA.CMD * D:\SL7FIX\DELWPA.CMD * E:\SL7FIX\DELWPA.CMD * ... * Z:\SL7FIX\DELWPA.CMD * After it closes, select 'Restart' and allow your PC to boot normally * Windows will ask for a product key, just click 'Cancel' * When SL7FIX runs it will prompt you to restore the key ","DELWPA Instructions"); Reboot("SL7FIX: Rebooting Into WinRE to use DELWPA"); } return result; } // public static Boolean ResetCounter_TOKENS () { Log.MSG("CMD: ResetCounter_TOKENS"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.Path); // Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.Path+@"\BACKUP"); var bak = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); var resetcmd = Config.Path+@"\RESET.CMD"; var resetstr = @" @ECHO ON SET DIR="+Config.Path+@" SET BAK="+bak+@" SET KEY="+Config.Keys[Info.KeyType]+@" SET WAIT10=PING -n 1 -w 9999 > NUL SET W32=%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32 SET SPP=%WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform SET X1=7B296FB0-376B-497E-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439D-8115-601632D005A0 SET X2=7B296FB0-376B-497E-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439D-8115-601632D005A0 SET SLMGR=%W32%\CSCRIPT.EXE %W32%\SLMGR.VBS %SYSTEMDRIVE% MD %DIR% CD %DIR% MD BACKUP CD BACKUP MD %BAK% CD %BAK% NET STOP SPPSVC %WAIT10% > NUL MOVE %SPP%\TOKENS.DAT . ATTRIB -H %W32%\%X1% ATTRIB -H %W32%\%X2% TAKEOWN -F %W32%\%X1% TAKEOWN -F %W32%\%X2% MOVE %W32%\%X1% . MOVE %W32%\%X2% . NET START SPPSVC %WAIT10% > NUL %SLMGR% -DLV %WAIT10% > NUL NET STOP SPPSVC %WAIT10% > NUL COPY %X1% %W32% COPY %X2% %W32% ATTRIB +H %W32%\%X1% ATTRIB +H %W32%\%X2% COPY TOKENS.DAT %SPP% REM NET START SPPSVC %SLMGR% -IPK %KEY% "; var result = false; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.Path); File.WriteAllText(resetcmd,resetstr); result = RunAs(resetcmd,""); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.MSG(ex.Message+"\n\n"+ex.StackTrace); result = false; } if (result) { Reboot("SL7FIX: Resetting Counter Using TOKENS"); } return result; } }}