Can I Reset CPU Uptime Without Restart the PC?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by user90, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. user90

    user90 MDL Novice

    Dec 5, 2020
    Am I have to restart my PC to reset cpu run time? Or can i reset it with cmd command etc. ?
    (I know it's a bit of a silly question, but I wonder if it's possible. :D)
  2. The uptime resets on a full restart, but not on a shutdown (except you turned fast startup off). Just click restart instead of shutdown, no need for any cmd commands.
  3. bear_aussie

    bear_aussie MDL Senior Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    yes its technically possible its just a numbre windos keeps in ram
    u could change that number wit a debugger ora device driver
    bitof work tho & windows mite not like a "clock" sudenly going "backwards" on it :)
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