I just bought a new Gateway P-6831 laptop... (nice laptop for the price BTW). Anyway... it comes with a full install OEM DVD of Vista x86... is there any way for me to upgrade to Ultimate using the OEM DVD... or do I have to do a fresh install? Also... if anyone is looking for files or info for this Gateway PC I'll do my best to upload or share what I can. Other things I'd like to know.... how can I check the SLIC table to see if I have a the full table or a "locked" one?... also, does anyone have a link to a Gateway cert? Thanks as always.
thanks... do I have to keep the cert named the way it is or doesn't that really matter... also, how do I extract my PCs cert?... I assume that's possible as well?
Cert can be extracted from tokens.dat. Method 1. Tokens.dat is opened with the binary editor and” OEM Certificate” is searched. 2. It was found,” the just above” of OEM Certificate” <? xml version= " 1.0 " encoding= " utf-8 "? >” With the character string which is said is searched. 3. It was found,” directly under” OEM Certificate” </r: license>” with the character string which is said is searched. 4. The data which is put to the character string which is found every character string of 2 and 3 alias is retained from 2 and 3. Example oemcert_gateway.xrm-ms Which means: The beginning of cert is:<? xml version= " 1.0 " encoding= " utf-8 "? > and it ends with </r: license> Just copy that range into a new file and name it e.g. oemcert_gateway.xrm-ms.
thanks again.... I think the only other thing I really need to know is how I can figure out my SLIC table and see if it allows any Vsita key, or if it's locked down to just a certain key.