anybody know why i cant instal ubuntu on netbook ? i have acer aod270 and i have ubuntu version 12.04 and 12.10.. when i instal with 12.04 my netbook stuck at black screen with some warning and when i try with 12.10, the installation process is done but for the first time boot it stuck again.. i have no idea why or maybe the netbook isn't suited for linux ubuntu ?? also when i first turn on my netbook, it already got pre installed linux linpus..
try dload yumi usb tool (to build usb from windows) and in the list it shows netbook remix.. dload one of those. u can actualy load windows 7 and linux to the usb to install in 2 partitions (3 with swap 5 gb) or if u want to keep trying the one u have .. try the bios settings for video output only internal or boot cheatcodes like nomodeset or modeset=1 or so .. not sure of success with this. also acpi=force ..or none
use a previous version and see if that helps. i've got Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP Netbook i think there is even a 10.10 netbook version. i know the later versions have both a desktop and netbook edition. what exactly is the error message you get??? that will help in determining what the problem actually is instead of speculating