cant instal linux ubuntu on netbook

Discussion in 'macOS' started by pertamax, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. pertamax

    pertamax MDL Novice

    Mar 18, 2012
    anybody know why i cant instal ubuntu on netbook ?
    i have acer aod270 and i have ubuntu version 12.04 and 12.10..
    when i instal with 12.04 my netbook stuck at black screen with some warning
    and when i try with 12.10, the installation process is done but for the first time boot it stuck again..
    i have no idea why or maybe the netbook isn't suited for linux ubuntu ??
    also when i first turn on my netbook, it already got pre installed linux linpus..
  2. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    #2 LatinMcG, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
    try dload yumi usb tool (to build usb from windows) and in the list it shows netbook remix.. dload one of those.
    u can actualy load windows 7 and linux to the usb to install in 2 partitions (3 with swap 5 gb)

    or if u want to keep trying the one u have .. try the bios settings for video output only internal
    or boot cheatcodes like
    nomodeset or modeset=1 or so .. not sure of success with this.

    also acpi=force ..or none
  3. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    use a previous version and see if that helps.

    i've got Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP Netbook

    i think there is even a 10.10 netbook version. i know the later versions have both a desktop and netbook edition.

    what exactly is the error message you get??? that will help in determining what the problem actually is instead of speculating