I am trying to program a SST 25LF040a with my CH341A programmer. I am not having any trouble reading the chip. I took several dumps and all of them are good. But for some reason the chip will not erase. The software says it erased (although seemed extremely fast) but while doing a blank check i am getting "the chips are not null" Also if i try to program with a different dump from another mobo (same model) i get "chip with the contents are in disagreement" I am kinda stumped at this point. The only issue i can think of that may be relevant is i could not find my exact chip in the software, theres only a listing for SST 25VF040a where mine is LF. I am not sure that makes a major difference. please help.
Soldered the chip back on the mobo and its fine so i know its not the chip. I am not sure why the CH341a usb programmer won't erase this chip.
some chips require a special mode .. SST mode to unlock .. research your chip model and version of soft for that ch341a
I am using 1.17 software that came with the CH341a. I did research the chip and there doesn't seem to be a major difference between my "LF" and the "VF" model that is listed in the drop down menu in the software. The only noticiable difference comparing both datasheets is "Single 2.7v-3.6v read / write operations" (VF) and "Single 3.0v-3.6v read / write operations" (LF)
If you're interested in purchasing a license for the latest version of the software, send me a private message, as I am in touch with the author.
What was your solution? I had a similar problem and my fix was buying a new bios chip. What was yours?
A friend of mine spoke with the Flashrom Devs about adding support for CH341a programmers and compiled a version to use with SystemRescueCd. Support is limited so write speed is slow but it works.
I had much better luck with the ch341prog tool by setarcos (search for it on GitHub). You just need gcc and the libusb development libraries installed to compile with make. Worked great for me when the Chinese software refused to erase/write my chip.
Thanks. Does it work with SST25LF040A ? Also, hows the write speed? Using flashrom it takes roughly 90 minutes. Update: that ch341prog doesnt seem to have support for the SST25LF040A chip.
You can test other programmers: - TL866A USB Universal Programmer (the best choise for me) - EN25T80 USB Programmer (limited use, only for SPI Flash Bios 24CXX25XX) - SIVAVA Willem EPROM Programmer PCB50B (another good choise) Good Luck!