Your connected to the internet. The network connection quality might be low. Restart network adapter which i did with same results. Restart computer and gateway which I did yesterday. Any other ideas plz? TIA
Could be a hardware issue. My old PC needed to be within a few feet from my wifi router. How far away are you from the wifi device?
Sometime WIFI card on your old laptop my have issues with your WIFI router?? I suggest replace your old WIFI card inside your laptop and get newer one that support WIFI 5 or later.. SHOULD works just fine.. I had that issues before.. ATGPUD2003
No, You won't lose connections on Hardwired network... 1.) Disconnect your WIFI first then, 2.) Simple Plug in directly to your router to your laptop.. ATGPUD2003
Turn off the power management and set the device's settings to maximum / highest .. depend on ure hardhaware, you never mentioned or give screenshot, explain and give picture of the settings for them to help .. "a picture tells thousands of words" .. for example, i want change my priority connection from 100 to 1000mbps, where should I refer to? .. can you help me? .. if you have the ability to telepathy, please help LOL
do you have a 2nd computer to try out? try another computer (like borrow a friend's, or neighbor's or another family member's pc) and test whether the problem occurs on another pc
Go to Best Buy, get a new different wifi router. If it now works you know your issue. Then you return it or keep it.