AND? .. that dude has 1 post (welcome btw!).... You take him serious? What you think shall cause that? If DNS is blocked it would not work on other browsers too and if MDL is not in generally blocked the Browser will work, no matter what he says. Edit: ...
Thanks for the quick feedback ... I always assumed it was just a Dig Life quirk and since I had a working solution, and rarely ever have to log into via a web browser I didn't worry about it. However, @CHEF-KOCH could be onto something as all of my Chrome browsers are logged in with my google account and extensions and such are all synced. I loaded many of the same extensions into the new Edge b/c I use them. I'll try the portable version first to see if that clears the issues. Either way I'll post back whatever I find.
Thanks to everyone for confirming that it's not a issue outside of my windows PC installs. I'll follow normal troubleshooting procedures to isolate and fix the issue, and post the fix here in case some other person new to this forum comes on and happens to search for the same problem. Your responses were all appreciated.