Hi there is it possible to get for example a script which can convert any windows 11 image like enterprise 21H2 build 22000.434 to an LTSC version also completely removing cortana , all of windows security and defender and one drive plus whatever else is removed to have an LTSC version similar to windows 10 LTSC. any advice would be much appreciated thanks in advance
You cannot completely remove Store (ProvisionedAppxPackages) it will break Windows -- Desktop, Explorer, Settings, Taskbar, Start menu, etc. Don't completely remove Cortana it will also removes some dependencies that some Store Apps need (You can safely delete the folder though) You can remove Store and Apps you don't need but you'll still need Paint, Notepad, Calculator, (Terminal), Cortana MS is very protective of Store and Cortana in Windows 11 22000
Just use win 11 server, almost no crap, cortana limited, defender uninstallable from the gui and so on
thankyou for your responses. i don't want the store and store apps either but i would like to keep calculator, terminal and notepad. If i dont wish to use the server version would you recommend i go for and earlier version or an IOT Enterprise version where i can use AppxPackages script to possibly remove. Also is it possible to completely remove windows security in any of the windows 11 versions
what about Windows 11 Enterprise IOT 64bit . Does that allow you to remove defender and cortana like the server edition and if so could someone please provide a download link to it as every iso i seem to download only has the win pro and home versions
The trouble with butchering and cutting out major Windows components like this is that when something goes wrong with your system, you never know what the reason is. You never know if it's the software you're running, the operating system itself, the modifications you made, or your hardware. If you insist on modifying a Windows version I would really only recommend removing onedrive and windows appx apps. Those won't affect your system stability at all.
its not really butchering its making a cleaner more stable system without the stuff that causes you grief and at the same time if you can remove telemetry you can stop win 11 from hogging resources and phoning home so to speak. Also it becomes a much more faster, cleaner and friendlier interface in my opinion and you can use only what your need without all that extra bloatware and stuff.
And yet, chopping will lead to (future) problems, it's not like with 10240....17763 anymore, all is more integrated and reliant on each other.
so in your opinion what do you suggest i do stickj with older version and keep up to date and use as it is and just add the android subsystem and linux ubuntu
You're talking about removing defender. Then you'd need to remove the security center (or whatever it is called now). A lot of these services have dependencies and use files or have ui links and all sorts of things that you would have to butcher just to make it seem like it was intended by MS. The same is true of Cortana. There's an app component and a system component which I'm not sure how to separate. The system one is I think highly integrated into the new search functionality. It's just a mess man. I wouldn't even know where to begin. My advice stands. I recommend removing only onedrive and the appx apps and just disabling defender with something like defender control 2.0. I really think this is more complicated than you think it is.
The fact is that someone is scared by experimenting and tries to scare other users spreading FUD, and using derogatory terms like chopping/butchering in place of the correct customizing/cleaning/decrapping. Do yourself a favor, never give up, just read (the msmg thread is a good start), keep experimenting (virtual machines are there for that) and once you are happy with the results go for the real HW route.