Convert your server to an workstation guides

Discussion in 'Windows Server' started by JaguarXJ12, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    #1 JaguarXJ12, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2010
  2. HSChronic

    HSChronic MDL Expert

    Aug 25, 2007
    thanks, though I don't understand why people think it is a great secret on how to turn on these things...
  3. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    For beginners these guides are totally OK, they describe and cover almost everything you need to know for the process + other tips and tricks that might be useful and come in handy.

    But I agree, for guys like you and me who probably is a little more experienced in this field they feel pretty redundant.