It has a pretty decent performing processor for its age, and it's maxed out with 16 GB of RAM, so that's 2 pluses on your side. Does it have a 2.5" hard disk drive(HDD) or does it have a 2.5" solid state drive(SSD)? Depending on how well you've taken care of it and how much burn time its battery still has, you might be able to get $225.00 for it.
No normal-minded person will buy it just because this model is 10+ years old. But you personally may be able use it for something, if you're thinking well...
It has a small 250GB SSD and the battery still holds a charge. I always use it on the power cord though.
It having a 250 GB SSD is another plus, so that should increase your chance to get a decent price for it. It it was a Dell brand with a 17.3" display, I might consider purchasing it myself.