Could it be? SLIC MOD destoryed M/B?

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by monoamine, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. monoamine

    monoamine MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2009
    Hi I had ab abit in9-32x and modded it to "work with" server 2k8 for the MCITP certification. Anyways, it killed my motherboard, but the abit boards had s**tty northbridges so I don't know. I have a gigabyte dual-bios now. Since it's dual-bios, how does everyone feel on if it's a risk to mod it or not? thx
  2. psyko12

    psyko12 MDL Novice

    Aug 15, 2007
    Did it work after you flashed it?
    Did you mod by yourself?
    Did you use any of the easy tools to mod bios?

    You can brick or render your board useless via flashing with wrong BIOS or a failed flash (something that caused the flashing to fail resulting in dead motherboards), although there are various ways to recover from a wrong flash in order to revive the bios, theres a thread here guiding how to recover bad flashes for specific bios types (ie. AMI, Award, etc.)

    I have bricked my board b4 due to power failure during flashing LOL and that was a PITA. Well just popped in my motherboards CD which included the stock or the 1st BIOS that the mobo came out with and pressed a combination of keyboard buttons upon powering the system up and viola it read the drive and rebooted fine.

    About dual bioses they're safe to mod, because if you fubar the 1st bios the 2nd bios kicks in to recover/reflash the 1st one with the default and working bios. So no worries.
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  3. monoamine

    monoamine MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2009
    OK, Thanks. I'm pretty sure it was just my M/b failing, particularly the northbridge I could hear that hghssssssssssssssss during ram acesses and I had to turn my VRAM down and my speed . . my drive was also failing but that was from before. I had to turn on my motherboard like Buff from back to the future, I actually had to use a flat blade screwdriver, jump to the cmos slider on which the original slider has flung off somewhere in the room, so I make contacts with the screwdriver tip. And then rush back to plus and unplug the usb controller for my wireless mouse and keyboard, then hit delete quick enough to get the date set so my s2k8 trial didn't expire damn so it seemed like it could just be a s**tty M/B to me, plus I had a few bad sectors from before. Thanks for the advice can't wait to try win 7!!!!
  4. monoamine

    monoamine MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2009
    By the way it worked ok after I flashed it, just fine: no problems. I didn't write the mod I downloaded it, no problems flashing. I didn't reset the optimized defaults but I flash the MFer every time I start it like I said . . now this was my old motherboard now I have a gigabyte 2Oz copper. I'm very happy with it.
  5. monoamine

    monoamine MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2009
    #5 monoamine, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2010
    Actually this killed my motherboard . . I don't know if try reinstalling windows if that would help but it would freeze updating the DMI tables. This is the second board I bricked with this so I think I'm just going to buy the OS. I had a keyboard error with this one and I think a northbridge f**k-up. 0-2 for me, that is two motherboards I've killed.