Me Very Need Help For Disable delete file in folder. me run Babylon but close delete file and folder in temp me need help for copy file and folder make offline. Thanks A Lot.
what did you say? you are trying to delete babylon? temp files/ toolbar? can you explain further? thank you
I want to keep the babylon installation files in the temp and copy them to some other address, is there any solution for that.
just use that (.vbs) Code: '===DeleteTempFiles.vbs=== 'from velociraptor Const TemporaryFolder = 2 'for GetSpecialFolder set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") 'init an empty array (ubound will be -1)... ' 'we use an array and store the file objects. 'this avoids any problems with altering the 'contents of the Files collections while they 'are being iterated. ' arFiles = array() count = -1 'get the path to the temp folder ' tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) 'load the (global scope) arFiles 'SelectFiles calls itself recursively 'for SubFolders ' SelectFiles tempdir msgbox count+1 & " files found" 'now do the actual deletes. the error trap 'is in case any are in-use... ' dcount = 0 for each file in arFiles on error resume next file.delete true if err.number = 0 then dcount = dcount + 1 err.clear on error goto 0 next 'now go back and delete empty folders 'below the temp folder DeleteEmptyFolders tempdir,false 'comment out for "silent" operation, 'or add support for a "/s" command-line switch. ' msgbox count+1 & " files found, " & dcount & " deleted." sub SelectFiles(sPath) 'select files to delete and add to array... ' set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath) set files = folder.files for each file in files count = count + 1 redim preserve arFiles(count) set arFiles(count) = file next for each fldr in folder.subfolders SelectFiles fldr.path next end sub sub DeleteEmptyFolders(sPath,bDeleteThisFolder) set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath) 'recurse first... ' for each fldr in folder.subfolders DeleteEmptyFolders fldr.path,true next 'if no files or folders then delete... ' 'bDeleteThisFolder is false for 'the root of the subtree, and true for 'sub-folders (unless you want to delete 'the entire subtree if it is empty). ' if (folder.files.count = 0) and _ (folder.subfolders.count) = 0 and _ bDeleteThisFolder then folder.delete exit sub end if end sub ' '===script-sonu===
aio temp cleanup.. I know this is a old thread, but here is what I use for my UA Installs and it runs silent without any prompting..DP Code: 'Flush and Remove all "in use-locked" files from temp.. Option Explicit Dim objShell Dim objSysEnv,objUserEnv Dim strUserTemp Dim strSysTemp Dim userProfile,TempInternetFiles Dim OSType Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objSysEnv=objShell.Environment("System") Set objUserEnv=objShell.Environment("User") strUserTemp= objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(objUserEnv("TEMP")) strSysTemp= objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(objSysEnv("TEMP")) userProfile = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") DeleteTemp strUserTemp 'delete user temp files DeleteTemp strSysTemp 'delete system temp files 'delete Internet Temp files 'the Internet Temp files path is diffrent according to OS Type OSType=FindOSType If OSType="Windows 7" Or OSType="Windows Vista" Then TempInternetFiles=userProfile & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files" ElseIf OSType="Windows 2003" Or OSType="Windows XP" Then TempInternetFiles=userProfile & "\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" End If DeleteTemp TempInternetFiles 'this is also to delete Content.IE5 in Internet Temp files TempInternetFiles=TempInternetFiles & "\Content.IE5" DeleteTemp TempInternetFiles WScript.Quit Sub DeleteTemp (strTempPath) On Error Resume Next Dim objFSO Dim objFolder,objDir Dim objFile Dim i Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder=objFSO.GetFolder(strTempPath) 'delete all files For Each objFile In objFolder.Files objFile.delete True Next 'delete all subfolders For i=0 To 10 For Each objDir In objFolder.SubFolders objDir.Delete True Next Next 'clear all objects Set objFSO=Nothing Set objFolder=Nothing Set objDir=Nothing Set objFile=Nothing End Sub Function FindOSType 'Defining Variables Dim objWMI, objItem, colItems Dim OSVersion, OSName Dim ComputerName ComputerName="." 'Get the WMI object and query results Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ComputerName & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48) 'Get the OS version number (first two) and OS product type (server or desktop) For Each objItem in colItems OSVersion = Left(objItem.Version,3) Next Select Case OSVersion Case "6.1" OSName = "Windows 7" Case "6.0" OSName = "Windows Vista" Case "5.2" OSName = "Windows 2003" Case "5.1" OSName = "Windows XP" Case "5.0" OSName = "Windows 2000" End Select 'Return the OS name FindOSType = OSName 'Clear the memory Set colItems = Nothing Set objWMI = Nothing End Function