Disaster: recover data from deduplicated volume

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Thomas Dubreuil, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    I'm trying desesperately to recover about 30go from a 2TO drive that was deduplicated...
    Luckily the rest is backed-up but those files are work files and mega important.

    I haven't written anything on the drive since the disaster, obviously
    I tried with easeus data recovery and I can see all files on the drive and recover/copy them, but the files won't open, it is corrupted somehow.:(

    I still have system volume information folder intact on that drive with dedup folder and the files inside.
    Is there someone here who can help ?
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  2. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
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  3. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    #3 Thomas Dubreuil, Sep 12, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
    I use Windows Server 2019 but I posted in Windows 10 forum for visibility...
    The mistake is not to have a recent backup of those files...it reduced to about 10go what I hadn't backed-up but lost the most important, of course...
    I'll give it a read, thanks

    ps: the volume is NTFS and mounted...but the files are lost, reclaime isn't recovering anything either
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  4. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    yes it's NTFS volume, but on top of it a SSD and I trimmed recently o_O
    I tried recuva, easeus and reclaime for the moment but with no luck
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  5. pcnavarra

    pcnavarra MDL Senior Member

    Nov 13, 2017
    I Always had sucess on Ntfs non-raid with Que tek file Scavenger.
  6. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    Problem is the drive is data deduplicated...otherwise would have been easier
    other problem is file scavenger is paying option
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  7. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    Did you perhaps disable a required file server feature in the Server Manager? Because it sounds exactly like a system encountering a deduplicated volume without the feature enabled to me.
  8. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    #10 Thomas Dubreuil, Sep 12, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
    The problem is I chose the root of a drive for "image mounting" in abbodi's WUI...stupid move.
    That's where I lost the files.
    But I'll check server manager since I did an upgrade/install few weeks ago

    edit: uninstalled/reinstalled data dedup feature in server manager...wonder what it would do if I run "unoptimization" on that drive...but might not have enough space on it
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  9. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    It would unoptomize! Any chance you can clone the volume to a larger one and then run the start-dedupjob with the unoptomization type parameter?
  10. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    #12 Thomas Dubreuil, Sep 13, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019
    It just wiped the drive for good now it shows an empty drive lol
    it got rid of the dedup folder in "system volume information" and didn't unoptimize nothing since the data was lost in space and though considered as "deleted".
    I think this is end of story...

    edit: I found the folder I wanted to recover in "excluded folder" in dedupConfig.01.xml file...I had excluded that particular folder from dedup...so I think it's just because of TRIM I could'nt recover
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  11. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    Damn man. Sorry you lost your data. Consider it a lesson, learn from it and take steps to mitigate in the future.
  12. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    yep good lesson...Normally would'nt happen as I always make double backup on HDD and with backblaze, but this was a brain new drive.
    Luckily I had 90% of it backed up...but the most important "projects 2019" folder I had only moved here and was last backed up in march...:(
    I had also luck found some of them on my laptop that I took away for holidays, so I only lost 1 project at the end,
    but was quite a shock and panic attack, as this was music supposed to be released next month.

    Anyway I have to let go...tried everything I could...and got sick from anxiety no sleep and too much coffee, stomach is totally messed up since...
    Health is more important at the end.
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