I'm wondering which is better System Center End Point Protection or the default Windows Defender of 8 pro ?
a zero-day exploit will not be detected by any AV/security software until reported to the guys who update the engine which is mostly too late
there is no vaccine for a brand new bird flu which is not detected yet ... edit: and for the paranoiac I only can recommend sandboxie which is one of the most secure ways to not get infected
On what basis would you judge a good AV.?What are the measures.? Personal experience or technical facts.?
Doesn't Defender for Windows 8.1 support also a "behaviour" detection unlike Defender for Windows 8 ?
honestly, I don't use any AV stuff because I don't need it. Judging AV software is not possible in an objective way. There are many ways to measure such software but it is related to the sources where "viruses" come from. Always consider AV manufacturers want to make bucks. The better they "influence" the magazines or so-called independent institutes, the better a test report will be. The all of us never will have the glimpse of a chance to really see what happens behind these doors. Simply run the build in engine in 8.1 and take it as is. No slow down of your system et cetera. I have not yet tried moderate's new special but I'm sure it might be more than enough for the all of us.
MS called that feature "Network Behavior Monitoring", while I called it "network engine"... ) It runs as separate system service. For example it can detect infiltration just based on its network behavior (like establishing daemon (server) at some port, sending information somewhere, downloading crap to PC etc.) even it the app isn't in the signatures. All solutions, what I numbered 2., 3, and 4. support it (so the EXE too of course).
I can tell only, that SCEP attached in 1st post has ALL features from lower versions (like W8-1 Defender), so if W8-1 Defender has any new features in system detection, then SCEP (and also MSSE) has it too... BTW: I think, that this system "behavioral" detection runs together with network "behavioral" detection as one feature, so it is only available on those version, where "network engine" is present (2. W8-1 Defender, 3. MSSE, 4. SCEP)...
@NiFu: ...as you can see, latest SCEP has both of those two features (blue and red marks on the picture) View attachment 26122
Sorry to kick this thread just for this info, but I thought I'd share that the System Center Protection works fine with Windows XP x86 with Service Pack 3. Thanks Moderate for sharing! Was hoping I could get this ever since I found out that it would have it during the beta.