Ok, that's all well and good, and appears to be working fine, but that begs the question, is SEP any good as an AV?
Have been using SEP for windows 7,Windows 8 & 8.1 in the 64 bit enviroment and all works well. Very low processor overhead and just does the job. I would not use any other program but SEP. Hope that helps, Ace
Is it true that without a "client license File" installed, unmanaged client will stop updating virus def. files after 60 days?
I read it here: "symantec.com/connect/forums/question-licensing-how-do-unmanaged-clients-work" The information is aged, but it was in reference to ver. 12.1 nonetheless. Just like to know what to expect before experimenting with it. Thanks
Thanks to the original poster for this trick. This is an awesome security product. This appears the Enterprise edition. The SBE edition expires, where this one doesn't.
Because that particular ISO is the complete iso containing all versions of the anti-virus software including the manager console software for managing the anti-virus clients (i.e. a whole bunch of enterprise level software that the regular consumers will not need). TL;DR bigger = more unnecessary stuff for non-enterprise consumers. Stick with the client downloads.
are posted on 1-st post Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 Win32 Client EN Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 Win64 Client EN
Endpoint protection is basically the same, except endpoint doesn't have all the fancy animations and graphics the standard version has. There are also some options to manage the endpoint protection over a network if you install those parts.