its easy accually download both files create one folder setup in C:\ open cmd with adminstrator and run this command:Setup\MediaCreationTool.exe /selfhost
Hello guys, Please tell what is the difference between directly downloading the ISO and getting the ESD and converting to ISO when an English version of ISO is readily available. When ISO is available i dont know why ESD is downloaded and then converted to ISO. Is it ONLY because ESD alone is available officially for the moment and the non-availability of official ISO ? If it is so , are there any other benefits or advantages from getting the ESD and converting it to ISO when the official ISO itself is available. Thanx and Sorry for the long question. I am a complete noob here. Please help.
The official iso's aren't available, afaik, so now the Full ESD or UUP's are shared because they can be verified, as soon as the official IP iso's are available those also will be shared, for personal installation purposes they all install the same build.
The above trick actually works. Just tested it on two languages. The .CAB and MediaCreationTool.exe files that are linked are downloaded direct from Microsoft's servers. It pulls the same ESD files linked earlier in the thread. The only issue is we have to pair the files together and use the /selfhost switch to stop it from checking for an online version of the file or it will still pull the 1703 build.
Sad when they don't get that the tool can be audited (and others would have reported any exploits) and the files are straight from MS WU Servers .
@abbodi1406's ESD>ISO tool also creates Multi-Architecture ISO's, just put the two full ESD's next to the cmd and when you run it, it will detect the two esd's and ask if you want to create a Multi-arch iso. He also has made a separate cmd for creating multi-arch iso's from 2 iso's in his UUP>ISO zip.
Additionally it offers the choice to create install.wim, so it spares the need to convert the install.esd after MCT is ready.
Well, I still occasionally run into 32bit machines, mostly those atom tablets with 2gb ram and stick PCs. It detects it but just pushes a "Command syntax is incorrect error" for me v171005.