I think you are correct in going with older version. I read somewhere 2015 LTSB was not complete and that was why they released another version so soon plus it includes some of anniversary update.
2015 LTSB vs 2016 LTSB I have used both. Both are good, simple and clean. I like the menu system on the 2016 better Running it on this computer dual boot with Win7 must admit I use Win7 most of the time ...T
I made a beautiful LTSB 2017 out of the CU. Stripped out all apps, Edge, all Windows stuff but Cortana (I disabled that w/regedit.) Added .NetFX3.5 DirectX9.0c, calculator, DaRT. Also, took out Quick Access, and delegate folders ALL DURING INSTALL with registry scripts in $OEM$ folder. Auto activated. Added all my drivers, too. It is really nice. I don't use it though. I prefer Pro, but it was fun to make!
And people who don't want a UI change every 6 months. Just pick something and try to stick with it Microsoft.
^ I had to search like crazy to find a working Link. Expect my sig to update in the future to include mirrors. Thanks to @LostED for having previously uploaded that multiple times. -- Though I suspect I'm going to make a torrent since the mirrors are all being pulled down