[Chit Chat] Windows 10 Enterprise/IoT Enterprise (N) LTSC 2021

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Sep 18, 2021.

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  1. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
    #441 xinso, Nov 4, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021
    There is information about 19044 LTSC at Windows Editions Reconstruction Project.
  2. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    not going to write a tutorial about this, sorry.

    slmgr /rilc and sku certificates are your best friends

    if you're going from server to client sku (or viceversa) the branding folder is your friend as well
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Server 2022 LTSC (20348.xxx) is not the same build as the new Enterprise LTSC (19044.xxxx).
  4. jsteiner

    jsteiner MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2011
    @Enthousiast i know the conversation go out of the topic some posts behind, but what exactly are the problems with homebrews? Sure i know, it is not official, tested and validated, but roughly speaking, once a regular sac enterprise converted to enterprise ltsc, supposedly act as legit one?
  5. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    And so ?

    Licensing is per product level... pro/home/enterprise not per product build unless explicitly enforced

    the cert chain changes (usually) each one or two or three years.

    So for example the certs of 1507 are good for 1511 but not for 1607

    the cert from 1809 are good for 1803 but not for 1709 and so on

    Now happens that the certs from 21h2 are good for 21h1, 20h2, 20h1 and possibly 19Hx, and also for win 11.

    thats all
  6. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >what exactly are the problems with homebrews?

    1 - Thats not a question thats the start of a but but but monolog which ends up trying to turn this forum into a dustbin for homebrew crap .

    2 - Are you serious ?

    3 - Because noone wants a forum full of morons posting their ntlited s**t ........ talking abouit it .......... wondering why it doesnt work .......... complaining . moaning ........... boasting , ego wanking ........... in childish circles for ever and a day .

    4 - Its not a warez forum .its for serious users to learn , help and have fun .
  7. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    ... for serious users to learn , help and have fun ....
    On that note....

    I'm keen to learn about Enterprise LTSC/IoT (the topic of this thread).

    Learning, in my view, involves keeping an open mind and also that my idea of "fun" might be different than your own!

    @acer-5100 with your non-homebrew, legitimate per product level licensing change from sever 2022 to Enterprise LTSC (the topic of this thread), have you been able to LCU update using online or offline methods?

    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.282.0 seems to be involved in your 30 seconds of time "wasted" method....

    This is probably a big ask, but are you able to "waste some more time" and apply "Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.194.0" and then update to to 22000.282?
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  8. jsteiner

    jsteiner MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2011
    what exactly are the problems with homebrews?

    1 - Thats not a question thats the start of a but but but monolog which ends up trying to turn this forum into a dustbin for homebrew crap .

    People learn things doing stuff like this. maybe you don't like it, but it doesn't mean it's not valid

    2 - Are you serious ?
    yep, it was a legit question

    3 - Because noone wants a forum full of morons posting their ntlited s**t ........ talking abouit it .......... wondering why it doesnt work .......... complaining . moaning ........... boasting , ego wanking ........... in childish circles for ever and a day .
    it's kind a disrespectful with other members like the old and wise ones that do and share here their findings

    4 - Its not a warez forum .its for serious users to learn , help and have fun
  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >1 - Thats not a question thats the start of a but but but monolog which ends up trying to turn this forum into a dustbin for homebrew crap .

    LOL And then they did it and proved what i said :) = Ego bigger than brains .
  10. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    First there are many people who don't want upgrade to windows 11.

    Second, IoT LTSC 2021 have 10 years support which means people can stay in Windows 10 till 2031. IoT LTSC will got IE 11 till 2031.

    Third, IoT LTSC 2021 have the same functions and hardware requirements as the LTSC 2021.

    So many people who using LTSC 2019 right now or the people who using windows 10 SAC are willing to switch to IoT LTSC 2021.
  11. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    No files are changed except the certs added, so yes updates are working WU or manual at least that's what happened since the days of w2k.

    And anyway you can go back and forth at your will, just changing the serial with slmgr /ipk, so in the worst case just go back, update, and change the serial again (i never had to do so, but WU is a moving target so I can't guarantee for the future)
  12. Luckyone2008

    Luckyone2008 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2013
    some of us just want a bloat free version of windows
    as the 21H2 may be the last versions of windows 10 they will probable only both get the same updates forever anyway
    but that simple fact the you don't have to remove all that crap like windows store & xbox crap
    & have not much stuff running in the background

    just look how quick & fast server run better then windows 10 pro and there is you answer
  13. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
    #454 xinso, Nov 5, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
    A: Once either Windows Update or Custom Update is OK, Windows Feature Experience Pack should be OK.
  14. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    There's a way to convert the verion from SAC to LTSC with keep anything.

    Just like 1607 to LTSB 2016 / 1809 to LTSC 2019 before. (LTSB 2015 Not used yet.)
  15. Luckyone2008

    Luckyone2008 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2013
    the problem with any non genuine install
    is when something go's wrong you are always asking your self
    was it that modified image missing something or wrong in some way ?
  16. BetaWorld

    BetaWorld MDL Member

    Jan 9, 2015
    Since there will be no more new Windows 10 releases besides EP for 19041, why not just use regular Windows 10?
  17. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    1. MS will push windows 11 to who use SAC Windows 10.
    2. Windows 10 SAC editions only support to 2025, IoT LTSC will support to 2031.
    3. LTSC + install MS store manually still liter than regular Windows 10.
  18. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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  19. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    #460 pm67310, Nov 5, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
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