Looks like I have to wait for the en-GB release of LTSC because the current ISO is en-US and I can't do an in-place upgrade to keep my apps and files. I've tried the geolocation setting via Powershell and DISM set language via Startup Repair and installing United States language but still can't do an in-place upgrade. Is there is anything else I can do to convert my install to en-US? UUPDump doesn't have LTSC on there either.
You can. First add the en-us MUI to your current installation then change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language\InstallLanguage from 4xx (the number for en-GB) to 409 (en-US) Reboot and do the in place upgrade Than add the en-GB language from the control panel You are basically done. But, if you want, you can repeat the registry change in the opposite direction, reboot and remove the en-US mui using lpksetup.exe
The branch is final but "in nature" there is only the annual server (with no GUI), you need to reconstruct it. In the win 10 reconstruction thread there is the package shared by zwl29107, which is (almost) newbie proof, to build the wim. With it you can build any consumer flavour IoT/LTSC, Pro and its virtual editions (Enterprise, RDSH, Core and so on)
Use W10UI and these updates: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-pc-canary-dev-ge-release.88220/#post-1830860
Figured out what was causing my CPU to heat up location services was constantly popping up. Turning it off fixed the issue. For some odd reason microsoft edge was asking for location over 200 times & no idea why only thing installed is ublock origin. Edit: Though just got a message from my microsoft edge saying it's going to keep reminding me to turn on location services till I do. Though I turned off location services in microsoft edge & knock on wood hasn't popped back up lol. So, if anyone is experiencing high cpu usage or heating issues check to see if location services is the issue.
I can't wait until final release Windows 11 LTSC!! This way would be good to go for my next plan to do my pc.. ATGPUD2003
Do you have a link to the actual package page, as Ive spent a lot of time browsing that forum and unable to find it. Thanks ;p
I didn't bookmark but This should summarize the relevant links https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-679#post-1816243 Perhaps asking to zwl29107, ace2, xinso...on that thread is as easy as asking to me here, but probably more effective.
Updated from Win 10 Pro 22H2 straight to Win 11 LTSC 26100.1 after modifying EditionID and CompositionEditionID in registry and it's working great!