why its so small 2.7 GB Windows_InsiderPreview_Server_16237.iso Code: Image Index: 1 ------------------- Name: Windows Server 2016 SERVERSTANDARDACORE Description: Windows Server 2016 SERVERSTANDARDACORE Flags: ServerStandardACor Files: 59594 Folders: 13443 Expanded Size: 7001 MB Image Index: 2 ------------------- Name: Windows Server 2016 SERVERDATACENTERACORE Description: Windows Server 2016 SERVERDATACENTERACORE Flags: ServerDataCenterACor Files: 59502 Folders: 13425 Expanded Size: 7032 MB
Add GUI to Windows Server Insider Preview by running the following in Powershell as administrator. Code: Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell –Restart
@dhjohns Tried and did not work. You are suppose to have internet so that Gui will come from MS. Tried and failed miserably.
It seems that Windows Server will be from now on only Server Core and Nano Server. This seems to be the end of Windows Server used on a workstation.