Displayport and HDMI conflict? [blackscreen when boot]

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by ryanlipafan, Jan 17, 2021.

  1. ryanlipafan

    ryanlipafan MDL Novice

    Apr 13, 2015
    For some time (I suppose that after installing the latest nVidia drivers), from the moment I turn on the computer to the moment when the desktop appears, I have a black screen (as if the monitor did not respond to the signal from the computer). Only after the desktop is started, the screen catches the signal. I have connected to the graphics card:
    1. DisplayPort -> monitor
    2. HDMI -> TV
    I didn't have such problems before :/
    Sure, pulling HDMI out of the graphics card solves the problem, but I'd rather get to the right source of the problem. I am asking for suggestions, what could be the reason? :(

    Greetings :)
  2. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    You probably already told yourself what the problem is. Namely, newer cards or drivers block/delay the signal for a certain time and the result is a black screen, in other words - no information is given to the screen to display anything.
    If there was no such problem with the older cards/drivers and you liked the situation, you should use the older card/driver.
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