I have from the LTSC 2019 eval index: 1 exported, pure LTSC, now I have the install.wim mounted, just edit the registry offline, this must be edited in Etnerprise or EnterpriseS, and what about product name, should I change it too
Are there new system requirements for LTSC? I'm running LTSB 2016 on my laptop, which is an older laptop, but runs perfectly. However, upon trying to install LTSC in virtualbox, it seems to load for a few minutes, then a BSOD pops up before anything can install. Using Wzor's link
Why do people want to corrupt/modify an EVAL install, when the official non eval iso's will be available very soon?
Is this Windows good To install Enterprise LTSC 2019؟ Or the version pro To install؟ which one is better?
Both are equal. It's more about preference. Do you want UWP apps? Store, calculator, photo etc then go with Pro. Do you want No apps at all, go with LTSC.
KMS Tools can return a new temporary license(180 days) to OS 。 As a reminder,the kms license is not inherit from LTSB 2016 。